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    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    Fixing up/changing stuff on my other post

    • Remove wilderness barrows completely
    • Remove the Raids items from Boss shop
    • Remove every single item from Blood Money shop. Replace with Randomised boxes for GWD items, Boots, Jewellery, Weapons, Mystery box for everything. Also put in all Pest Control Items, Fire cape, Easy/Med/Hard/Elite/Master clues & Elysian Spirit Shield.
    • Lower Emblem Exchange from 8x osrs to 4x osrs
    • Half the blood money gained from Kills.
    • Players shouldn't be able to get BM/emblems off their victim if the person they kill is risking 200k of value
    • Increase ROW recharge to 300 slayer points from 100. This stops people getting a 100% free recharge and 500 slay pts left over.
    • Add blackjack dealer, give him 60/40 odds to beat you. Have him tax 5% of your winnings.
    • Increase the price of soul runes to 450 each
    • Change Alch Value on all semi rare/rare items. Alch Value should = OSRS recommended price (not our modified one)

    • Introduce Platinum Tokens, a new untradeable currency used for staking/rares:

      • Platinum tokens + rares are now the only items that can be staked
      • Platinum tokens exchange at a 1 : 1 coin > plat token ratio, however to swap back they exchange at a 1 : 0.7 ratio Plat tokens > coin
      • Platinum tokens can buy rares from a shop that only accepts plat tokens as currency (party hats, masks etc).
    Last edited by blazed me; 10-18-2017 at 10:39 PM.

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    Sep 2009
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    Slayer & Kalphite Queen

    - Add the Kalphite Queen
    - Add Keris to the Slayer store with the Zamorak Hasta for 500 Slayer Points and make it work like OSRS.
    - Add some hard skilling items like a pack of Noted Bars, Raw Fish, Herbs, Uncuts (Including adding Opal, Topaz and Jades)
    - Make Dagonnoth Kings drop noted bones on task.

    Monkey Madness: Skeletal Monkey & Maniacal Monkey Multi Area

    - Add these locations to Monkey Madness Quest NPC after completing the Quest.
    - Make them Poison so people don't afk these all day.

    Some few Adjustments

    - Add Anti fire(3) pots to the Dragon Slayer store for 4k each. Impossible to kill Iron+ Dragons when you get a low level task and can't make them.
    - Lower the price of Mage Capes to 20k.
    - Hunter is still way too slow when 85+ Hunter. (XP needs a little boost or make animals go for traps faster.)
    - Add the rest of enchanted bolts. Idk why it's so hard for you to add em. Makes uncut sapphires and emeralds useless. Lol
    - Fix Tiaras, Halos, Earmuffs and Nosepegs.
    - Can't cook Raw Tuna on Fires.

    Will you be updating the cache so you can add the new wyverns? Also need a Xtea update.

    Last edited by Alex; 10-19-2017 at 06:19 AM.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    Some idea's to dump A LOT of gold.

    1. Add a NPC at home that sells bonds for a price of 80.000.000 coins. This might be a bad idea in a few of your eyes, but it's a hardcore way to dump a lot of gold. A month or two, having it sit there will have dumped a lot of money. Hold track on how much has been removed from economy!
    2. The imbue of items (rings, slayer helms, ...). This could be done by the slayer master for a price of 15.000.000 for a ring and 25.000.000 for the helmet. Yes the voting way is cheaper, but can only be done once a day. This won't affect the economy and is a clean money sink.
    3. The rare shop. This shop can be placed at duel arena and would sell following items. Partyhats, h'ween masks, santa hat. This for a price range of 450-999m.

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    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Vanessa View Post
    Some idea's to dump A LOT of gold.

    1. Add a NPC at home that sells bonds for a price of 80.000.000 coins. This might be a bad idea in a few of your eyes, but it's a hardcore way to dump a lot of gold. A month or two, having it sit there will have dumped a lot of money. Hold track on how much has been removed from economy!
    2. The imbue of items (rings, slayer helms, ...). This could be done by the slayer master for a price of 15.000.000 for a ring and 25.000.000 for the helmet. Yes the voting way is cheaper, but can only be done once a day. This won't affect the economy and is a clean money sink.
    3. The rare shop. This shop can be placed at duel arena and would sell following items. Partyhats, h'ween masks, santa hat. This for a price range of 450-999m.
    To add onto this:

    • Barrows items should break on death, give them repair costs.
    • Have the slayer ring recharge cost vote tickets/slayer points/bonds + coins
    • Give trident a rune cost for each attack.
    • For regular accounts put herbs inside of the herblore shop.
    • For regular accounts put bars inside of the smithing/mining shop.
    • For regular accounts put logs inside of the woodcutting shop.
    • For regular accounts put unfinished bolts/arrows inside the fletching shop.

    For item sinks:

    • Allow items to be put into the wishing well. Value = their GE value.
    • Allow items to be sold back to the BM shop for 30% of their buy value. Example; item costs 100k to buy, sells back for 30k BM
    • Give all items a minimum alch value near to its sell price. Example; Whip would alch for 2m

  5. Offline
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed me View Post
    To add onto this:

    • Barrows items should break on death, give them repair costs.
    • Have the slayer ring recharge cost vote tickets/slayer points/bonds + coins
    • Give trident a rune cost for each attack.
    • For regular accounts put herbs inside of the herblore shop.
    • For regular accounts put bars inside of the smithing/mining shop.
    • For regular accounts put logs inside of the woodcutting shop.
    • For regular accounts put unfinished bolts/arrows inside the fletching shop.

    For item sinks:

    • Allow items to be put into the wishing well. Value = their GE value.
    • Allow items to be sold back to the BM shop for 30% of their buy value. Example; item costs 100k to buy, sells back for 30k BM
    • Give all items a minimum alch value near to its sell price. Example; Whip would alch for 2m

    I agree with everything except for the alching of items for their price, I would love to see a rare item shop as a sink like we had before. Hopefully if thats added prices are reasonable for iron men!

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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by SGS View Post
    I agree with everything except for the alching of items for their price, I would love to see a rare item shop as a sink like we had before. Hopefully if thats added prices are reasonable for iron men!
    Alching items for lower than their price*

    It sets a minimum value on things & removes a large quantity of bulk items from the economy. It's kinda like with RS3 how they created invention for the soul purpose of removing excess items from the game. Assuming there are money sinks in game then the money that enters off them being alched would be fine

  7. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Some stuff might fixed already, some are found sometime ago, just got back into the game.

    no check - on ur whip charges
    dfs doesnt work (right click on it to use the DFS "spec/fire"
    some shortcuts doesnt work in brimhaven dung (Not sure if needed just noticed)
    Vissy doesnt pop up in chat if you get it from iron drags (I think fixed now)
    Opening world map and then moving makes it stuck where you opened it and wont register if you move somewhere else
    feathers are 12gp and 6gp each (fishing and fletching store)
    You dont get salmon when fishing only trouts
    Butterfly jars doesnt work with "release" idk if you did it on purpose
    Orange Salamander (prob others aswell) when release, it drops and doesnt release them.
    Bone bolts doesnt work with ava attra (the lowest lvl one)
    Bone bolts works on ava accumulator
    When 35 fishing, you cant fish for tunas, you need 50 and you are only getting swordfishes (I double checked)
    bloodveld drops meat pizza, doesnt work (you cant eat)
    Saradomin's Light doesnt work (Cape tested it)
    Lizard drops magic fangs (?) also they drop the ammy, it doesnt work (frank tested it)
    Mah logs doesnt drop noted like teak but unnoted (cave horrors)
    Herb guy doesnt have Jangerberries = no zammy brew, pls fix
    Arrow shafts only works with "Logs" if you try with diff logs it says "You need 1 log" (regular) http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Arrow_shaft
    Ring of suffering doesnt work (Frank just tested, I think (i) works but non (i) doesnt)

    Guess I should have posted in report a bug instead???
    Last edited by Mr Patrick; 10-19-2017 at 02:18 PM.


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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
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    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post

    Add one of the three Hunter Gear sets to the bond "skilling outfit" section. I know these items are not supposed to give an xp buff but I think it would be nice to have.

    Same rates, 12.5% boost
    If I did this, is there an outfit out of those three that is preferred over the rest to use? A little over the top it seems to use all 3 for it and could make it confusing.

    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    Make Zenyte shard a global message drop
    That's not really fitting considering its just a demi boss and the other demi bosses don't have drop messages, also the shard has a higher drop rate than some of the other drops it has.

    Quote Originally Posted by D E A G View Post
    For the Rare Loot Rates interface you should also add the boosts the player currently has, IE: You currently have Gold Member so your drop rate has been lowered and total up the percentages all the boosts combined provide the boosted drop rates (Well, Voting, Gold Member(RoW aswell), Instances)
    This would probably be possible but the drop tables are more to get a general idea of the drops and how rare they are, not so much to give players their exact drop rate that could change without them realizing it from all the different factors like the well, voting, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cape View Post
    Make dark beasts drop dragon arrows for ironmen
    Making a drop like this just for ironman is doable although just adding it to the drop table for everyone would be easier. What do others thing about having them drop dragon arrows like past servers?

    Quote Originally Posted by D E A G View Post
    Make it so when you complete one of the RFD bosses, if you were to leave would not start the waves all over again; but start on the next boss
    This was done on purpose because it's the only thing making RFD not a garunteed 5 minute fight (kill one, bank, repeat). Right now it requires having atleast moderate stats and also planning of equipment and your inventory.

    Quote Originally Posted by Froticle View Post
    For ironmen is it possible to remove Rune Scim from the shop(s) and make it only obtainable via Fire Giants and other NPCs as this will make it a little bit harder which makes it more fun to grind for tbh. (I was thinking of asking to remove runes and teletabs for ironmen too but there isn't Runecrafting or Construction to make either). Axes aswell could be removed and received from slayer/smithing

    Fix Varrock, Lumbridge, Falador, Camelot teleports and move the quest NPCs to a different location so people have to go to these places in order to do the quests (It'll de-clutter home from NPCs and it'll make it so you gotta do more work to complete quests. Also removing the Wizard at home and making it so you have to use laws to actually teleport around the map it'll get rid of some GP in-game and it'll also boost the agility aspect of things as it'll make people run around instead of teleporting directly to the spot because at the moment agility and graceful/stamina's are useless imo.

    Add some cows to lumbridge so ironmen have to kill cows to get crafting up instead of buying from all the supplies from the shops.

    Hard core mode, it's suppose to be hard, right? Why not add a trade limit so they can only trade 5/10 times every 24h or something so they have to be efficient about what they trade.

    Fletching for ironmen - Could remove arrows/bows from shops and make it so you have to fletch them yourself instead of thieving for 30 minutes and getting 2m coins and buying 99 range with it..

    Also it'd be nice if we got a notification if we receive a pet/clue scroll drop/rare item drop
    I think this would be too late and also alittle over the top for being extreme. Some of the items you mentioned like low level bows/arrows can even be purchased from a shop on OSRS.

    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post

    Scrollwheel does not work
    I don't really want to dedicate my time on opengl when sooner or later Jagex plans on releasing their own which will run a lot smoother. From the looks of it they're saving it for mobile release which is this year.
    Last edited by London; 10-20-2017 at 08:43 AM. Reason: missed a line of code quoting me

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    Quote Originally Posted by blazed me View Post
    Larupia is the go to on OSRS.

    It shouldn't be straight up arrows. Instead let them drop the arrow heads. In addition also give them dragon dart tips.

    Arrowheads drop in quantities of 50 as an uncommon drop.
    Dart Tips drops in quantities of 150 as an uncommon drop.
    He should boost the Rune Arrow drops or add tips also in doubled quantity of those.

    Where is Orb charging and free bstaves everyday pali

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    If I did this, is there an outfit out of those three that is preferred over the rest to use? A little over the top it seems to use all 3 for it and could make it confusing.
    Larupia would fit well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    That's not really fitting considering its just a demi boss and the other demi bosses don't have drop messages, also the shard has a higher drop rate than some of the other drops it has.
    They drop BIS jewelry. I think it's definitely fitting for people to know who receive one.

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