1. Raids.. What a shitshow  - 01-12-2018 #1

    Oct 2017
    Add farming so we can make pots and shit lol. Raids wont work without being able to make shit. It's farming, not rocket science. It's 2018 too.

    Shamans - Way too many shamans. we did a 2-man raid and got like 8 shamans. Then after we killed them all we just got looked into the same shaman room (where the shamans were dead) every time we entered the next door. Had to relog to end the raid.

    Multi-zones are fucked up. Some places where it says multi, only one person can attack the monster. This happened in several room.

    Couldnt pick up the loot from the guy that repairs his blade on the anvil because the square the loot was on was nulled or some shit.

    The room with the 3 little shits that you need to have withinj 30% health of eachother also has the multi-zone bug along with the room just randomly getting nulled. Couldnt finish it and couldnt enter next door, hard to ragequit the raids to go ride this thread.

    The minimap is wrong when it comes to what next room is.

  2. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Extension to the above -- Not Beta ready. I've got over 500+ Killcount at raids on OSRS and these are the problems i bumped into in 1 single raid I did.

    Small muttadile, only one person can attack it should be multiple.

    Vanguards - When standing in corners of the room all of them are able to attack you, this will be a problem when soloing.
    Also, when i left vanguards to trade another player for supplies, we went back in the room and all of the vanguards were nulled.

    Tekton - Killed him, wasn't able to pick up the supplies it dropped.

    Multiple map glitches.

    Shamans - Was in a 2 man raid, There was atleast 8 Shamans. On Osrs the amount of shamans scale to the number of people in the raid.
    Also after defeating the Shaman room when we tried to exit to the next room we were stuck in a loop consistently leading us to the shaman room.

    Vasa - Only one of us was able to attack the crystal which should be multi, also it appeared that vasa didn't gain health when on the crystal. Another thing Vasa never goes back to the same crystal to heal, it's always a different crystal.

    Wasn't able to make potions to finish the raid.

    When leaving the raid I still had Supplies in my invent from the raid Aka Xeric's aids and seeds.

    Also in OSRS, The health pool of mobs/bosses scale to the amount of people in the raid.
    As far as the amount you should scale the health I do not know exactly how much it should be scaled by.
    Last edited by Zhang Xiu; 01-12-2018 at 06:28 AM.

  3. Offline
    Dec 2016
    These kinds of threads is exactly what Palidino needs. He's trying to make things work with just videos on youtube and the osrs wiki. So keep the threads coming and pali can fix these.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    It's released as a beta just to make the problems come up. Pali is alone Vs whole server trying is way more effective to find problems. Besides that the people like you who "know how it has to work" on the real game know what he should fix.

    Thanks for bringing up the problems, every problem brought up can be fixed. If he doesn't know something is supposed to be different it's not going to get fixed. Please continue posting problems etc when you encounter them.

  5. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Miika View Post
    These kinds of threads is exactly what Palidino needs. He's trying to make things work with just videos on youtube and the osrs wiki. So keep the threads coming and pali can fix these.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Wavey View Post
    Well look who is here, raids is mentioned and Mr armadyl pops up

  7. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Well look who is here, raids is mentioned and Mr armadyl pops up
    Will give it a go once I get home from work lol.

  8. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Ill do more raids later and find out more bugs etc

    PS i said Not Beta ready because you should be able to atleast complete a beta, can't give him all the feedback he needs if i cannot complete the instance.
    Last edited by Zhang Xiu; 01-12-2018 at 07:16 AM.

  9. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Argurzil View Post
    Ill do more raids later and find out more bugs etc

    PS i said Not Beta ready because you should be able to atleast complete a beta, can't give him all the feedback he needs if i cannot complete the instance.
    Cool, I'll be trying it as well when I get home tonight
    Get that is annoying that it is not perfect atm, but hopefully the feedback from threads like these will polish it.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Well look who is here, raids is mentioned and Mr armadyl pops up
    He has been waiting for Raids release to return. I'm sort of in the same boat.

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