1. Offline
    Jan 2017
    On wilderness when someone dies with slayer helm he loses it, but the killer won't get the black mask. On OSRS the pker get's the mask.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Pali you said to remind you to fix the hunter box thing where you click the trap and go to one square from it instead of to it, stop and pick it up, making you have to click again to go to the spot it was placed if you want it back in the same place. Or if you are one square from it it picks it up and then you have to click again to place it. Doesnt happen every single time but prob 90% of the time. THis is at the red chins I assume at all the others.

    PK boxes not depositing all the items is still bugged.

    Please make it to where the one that gets to 200m first in a skill stays on top and the ascending players who get to 200m go under then in order. Old Bs had it that way I am really hopeful this can be implemented.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Please make it so you can either choose to have a wildy boss slayer task or not, or be able to block/extend certain tasks, not have the same task b2b when you cancel that previous task. Same concept as regular slayer tasks just separate npc.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    To be clear this is no longer the desired place to post server suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terror View Post
    In an effort to condense threads and centralize topics, all suggestions for the GAME/SERVER should be posted here. This will hopefully make it easier for Palidino to look at the latest server suggestions without having to go through a historical amount of 30 pages to read through.

    All irrelevant spam will be deleted regularly.

  5. Offline
    Sep 2017
    How about a pop up like when you finish a slayer task saying that your Ring of Wealth has ran out of charges.

  6. Offline
    Sep 2017
    Can we make the Graceful outfit for Agility give some bonus xp % to make it a little less painful, My suggestion is 1% extra xp per piece for the outfit.
    Another cool idea to make people stand out also would be a 200M xp cape, Something unique to the server as far as I know.
    Also how about a monthly pk rankings, whoever finishes in the top 3 gets a money reward or item reward or some special pk armor.

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brooksy View Post
    Can we make the Graceful outfit for Agility give some bonus xp % to make it a little less painful, My suggestion is 1% extra xp per piece for the outfit.
    Another cool idea to make people stand out also would be a 200M xp cape, Something unique to the server as far as I know.
    Also how about a monthly pk rankings, whoever finishes in the top 3 gets a money reward or item reward or some special pk armor.
    Cool ideas, also would like to see a pk rank on the hiscores, displaying like amount of kills and KC. Don't make it KC only or people will farm KC

  8. Offline
    Sep 2017
    I was thinking a Hiscores for pk kills

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2018
    Gilded items are way too common from clues, should be made more rare

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Ancient Crystals: I don't think it has any use in-game atm. But, has the same effect as Ancient Shards, converts Darklight into Arclight can charge it to max with one crystal.

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