1. Rollback to the Last Update  - 04-11-2017 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    The last update included quite a few changes to the free items, specifically changing them from free to costing a small fee. Some of the items that were still in the free shop had been moved out (specifically robes and climbing boots), and moved into the magic and melee shop. After some consideration, I decided to move them back and simply remove free items all together. This was something I was working on in between everything else with ironman, and as time went on the free shop was left behind.

    Back to Friday, this was the date the bug first existed, and also the most recent backup of the player accounts. Now even if I had backups that were more recent, the user Ex Tee Cee discovered the bug on that same day, and began exploiting it. He likely was behind the few other players who became involved in the bug leading up to it becoming widespread today, as there were just a few accounts who even know about it based on the logs up until today. That said, the combination of that user using the bug to buy many items off the Grand Exchange and distribute them, the other players involved before it became widespread, and honestly, the large number of players that were quick to take part in it today (about 50 players).

    So, what now? First and most importantly, the free shop has been removed entirely. Everything in it now costs a small number of coins. Secondly, the damage done to the economy would be next to irreversible without a rollback. At best, the time it would take to sort things out would be more than the same amount of time it would take for you to catch back up from the rollback. Because ironman accounts would all be reset, and because they can't trade, their accounts will remain. However, 11 of the accounts have been modified for using the bug. Even if the 11 of you had though the server would need a reset, surely you would have realized ironman accounts are in a whole separate system given their lack of trading.

    Last, for normal mode accounts there will be a 12% boost to the following: drop rates, XP, Slayer/Boss points, and coin drops. Vote tickets will also be rewarded in double.

    If you purchased bonds you'll need to contact me. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE MY TIME IF YOU'RE AN IRONMAN.

    Some other small changes that made more sense here than adding to the last update thread:
    Adamant knives and darts have been added to the Legends Shop.
    Soul runes have been moved to the Magic Shop for ironmen.
    Sped up using bones on an altar.
    Halved the chance of zeynte and onyx from the crystal chest.
    Added a banker to the Legends Guild.
    Disabled Chaos Elemental drops for ironman.
    Crafting and fletching supply cost halved for ironman mode.
    Fixed the ironman icon.
    Fixed enchanting dragonstone.
    Fixed an issue with not being able to pickup your items/being lost on death as a GM.
    Last edited by Palidino; 04-11-2017 at 10:06 PM.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    i lost 4 bonds I donated yesterday

    Fuck you

  4. Offline
    Dec 2016
    that is...pretty sad tbh...damn u ex te cee!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    I lost everything I had because I started Saturday so GF.

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    I lost everything aswell GUCCI, I started on saturday and had alot of my stuff via drop parties and now that won't happen again T^T, fuck my luck

  7. Offline
    Nov 2016
    How about halving the prices for herblore supplies?

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2017
    i was working on slayer and got to 91 did 6 cosecutive tasks and made alot of coin.. this fucken game is bullshit.. all the admins and shit i bet got to keep there shit... now this fucken pisses me off i voted 15 times now i got fuck all!!!!! FUCK YOU STUPID ADMINS AND DUPERS.. i made money off the dupers but didnt dupe myself. i was selling my bank items and now i got fuck all.. i had 5 sets of dh and sold 4. just from pking i had 150k from tier 8 emblem and now i got fuuuccckkk aalllll!!!!!!

  9. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Thought you said "halved crafting supplies" yet diamonds are still 14k for ironman accounts?

    And tahnks for sorting this out so fast man!

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2017
    Fuck you palidino you stupid fucken retard should have just banned duppers not roll back you dumb fuck i wasted lots of time on here and went to 91 slayer had 5 sets from pking... You really fucked up bruh..

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