Into a shop they go? If so, what should the prices of the secondaries be?
Into a shop they go? If so, what should the prices of the secondaries be?
Affordable in contrast to current economy.
Don't make it so everyone can get 99 in a day either
You beast
like alex said, 750/3k but then again it might only cost roughly 13m for 99 herb
Pretty sure you can use the 742 prices, if i remember correctly, with potato cactuses being 2.5k(?). - the highest secondary
Actually, never mind. Make that shit expensive af, but worth it as well.
Last edited by Amorphis; 02-09-2017 at 08:32 PM.
Herblore...prices hmm...
They should be in relevance of the cost of say...super cb pot in general store ' shop keeper '. if that super cb pot costs around 7.5k, then the sub ingredients should cost at least 30% of it.
So i'd say maybe 2k-3k gp / 2ndary ingredient
my opinion though.