1. Offline
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AVOIDER6969 View Post
    Edit: i also think even if pali was to revert back to an older battlescape nobody would bother coming back due to palidinos reputation of neglect and laziness
    Spoken like a king

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Farming has made its way into BattleScape! Grab your seeds, and start growing crops!

  2. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Palis reputation killed this server lol not his updates no 1 trusts in him nomore

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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Danyar View Post
    Palis reputation killed this server lol not his updates no 1 trusts in him nomore
    M8 you don't even trust your own boyfriend.

  4. Offline
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    M8 you don't even trust your own boyfriend.
    Yes he does. You do trust me, right danny?

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Farming has made its way into BattleScape! Grab your seeds, and start growing crops!

  5. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    M8 you don't even trust your own boyfriend.

    u hav issues m8 dont quote me again go play whit ur buttplug

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Danyar View Post
    u hav issues m8 dont quote me again go play whit ur buttplug
    Hey man no need to get angry at Alex

    - Alex 2010 insult: you got a boyfriend!

    - Alex 2018 (almost 19) insult: you got a boyfriend!

    He just really likes boys ALOT, no need to get aggressive on him.

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeus 6969 View Post
    What is the reasoning and logic behind the way this server has become? Player count has steadily dropped to a pitiful number since the server has changed from where it came from. What was so bad about BS2?
    We had clanning (up to 800 players on the weekend)
    Multiple main teams who were very competitive
    A wide variety of weapon and armor selection
    Custom dungeons where risk vs reward actually meant something
    Pk gear was easy to obtain aside from heavy hitting weapons such as rev drops
    Shit actually worked. Wilderness agility for example
    Slayer didn't take 17 years to level up, so new players had a quick source to creating basic wealth and obtaining gear for themselves

    Edgeville used to be PACKED with pures, and a large selection of mains pking. Isn't it beyond clear at this point if you run pkers off, the player count never recovers?

    Player count will most likely never reach 600+ again with that shitty version of fake old school RS out, but we could hit 300+ again. What gives?
    Stop, you're irrelevant, stop acting like your return to battlescape means you're a PKer that has anything to say. You're hard stuck in battlescape 2010 pking. You're irrelevant, and so is this post. Money isn't hard on this game, and yes I'm a pker.

  8. Offline
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Mutagen View Post
    Stop, you're irrelevant, stop acting like your return to battlescape means you're a PKer that has anything to say. You're hard stuck in battlescape 2010 pking. You're irrelevant, and so is this post. Money isn't hard on this game, and yes I'm a pker.
    Who the what

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Farming has made its way into BattleScape! Grab your seeds, and start growing crops!

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    It's an old school runescape private server. We have all the relevant items in osrs aside from raids 2 drops which will eventually be added with the release of raids 2 to the server. The items you're thinking of like chaotics etc. all have slightly better balanced equivalents in osrs, perhaps do some research into what items are available, like the occult necklace, tsotd, armadyl crossbow, elder maul.
    PVP weapons are in the game with a very rare drop rate from wilderness bosses (custom wildy drop tables), the armours do not exist in oldschool runescape as the community voted against them.

    Over the last 1-2 years there were many updates to try and target and encourage pvp, none of them any noticeable difference. Pure clans have come and gone as well as some mains single teams, on the W1 server which is essentially a copy of the W2 server, with a slightly easier economy. By all means suggest what you think would attract a hoard of pkers, but I don't expect there's anything we could do to get the sort of numbers you expect, the truth of it is that osrs is easy and accessible, and most of the players who used to pk on rsps, now know how to train and do it on a osrs account, and do so.

    Rigour/Augury are rare drops, as they are on osrs, void and torso don't take that long, however they are also bis items so a bit of time to get them is understandable imo, it's really not much different in time to previous versions of the server.

    Lots of activities are in the wildy atm and not that popular, wildy slayer is the best exp and drops for examble, the wilderness skilling area provides multiple bonuses and is the best location for several skills, I've literally never seen another person in the wilderness skilling area aside from people who teleport to targets. Wilderness agility with custom xp rates to make it the best location is a good idea and has been suggested several times before, but at the end of the day there aren't enough pkers for it to make much difference, it woudn't become a pvp hotspot, it would allow the <5 pkers that do play to kill the occasional guy for his 5 super energy potions.

    Regarding bounty teleport, seen as there are barely any people pking, the bounty spell allows them to find people, we have tried having a toggle for the bounty system, but it only drives away the few remaining pkers because they have to run around pvm spots for 10 minutes to find someone.

    TLDR: We'd like more pkers but we don't know how to get them, and you seem to have missed a lot of things about the current server.
    Sorry for digging but I agree with u in that this whole post is stupid but ur points are invalid. Ur using OSRS as a shield as to why things can't be added. If it's that big of a concern to the ego of osrs fanboys like yourself than add them onto a duplicate server specific to pking to see if the player base enjoys them....chaotics where so fucking fun to pk with when your 24 hours of straight zombie minigame grind finally paid off same when u saw that ags pk because back than it was 100m and 100m back than was like 300m right now with the current economy of the server the point is just because osrs doesn't have something doesn't mean we can't either....just because osrs doesn't have tournaments every 20 mins or so does that mean we can't either or how about gamemodes outside of Ironman and hcim I mean shit same with the altar that let's us change to any spell book or being able to use bones on a normal altar or the rejuvenation pool or a wizard with free teleports or crystal chest at spawn or all in-game 'quests' just being a miniboss....grow up this isn't a osrs clone it's a private server made by one of if not the most talented Java programmers in the osrs scene

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by bspktube View Post
    Sorry for digging but I agree with u in that this whole post is stupid but ur points are invalid. Ur using OSRS as a shield as to why things can't be added. If it's that big of a concern to the ego of osrs fanboys like yourself than add them onto a duplicate server specific to pking to see if the player base enjoys them....chaotics where so fucking fun to pk with when your 24 hours of straight zombie minigame grind finally paid off same when u saw that ags pk because back than it was 100m and 100m back than was like 300m right now with the current economy of the server the point is just because osrs doesn't have something doesn't mean we can't either....just because osrs doesn't have tournaments every 20 mins or so does that mean we can't either or how about gamemodes outside of Ironman and hcim I mean shit same with the altar that let's us change to any spell book or being able to use bones on a normal altar or the rejuvenation pool or a wizard with free teleports or crystal chest at spawn or all in-game 'quests' just being a miniboss....grow up this isn't a osrs clone it's a private server made by one of if not the most talented Java programmers in the osrs scene

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