If your going to have a 95% direct teleport to KBD you have to remove some of the lesser demons, As many of us know there are not many pker's in this game. The only time there is deep wildy pking, Is if someone is pking with a friend. Now it's impossible to take agro from all the npcs etc with just 1 other person.This is not the real runescape so treating it like it is, Is stupid there are over 100k+players on real rs yet there are 4 lesser demons on osrs. work that out.


Explain how you can have 0 gear equip'd yet land a Teleblock on a person with max mage/etc. that is definition of suicide tbing and it dosn't take long to multi log in the wild with 2 accounts 1 with no gear tb/One with pk gear. Video below will show proof

Chaos ele use to be active for pkers/pvmers. Now it's every 6 hours i feel like your just trying to get rid of pking/risk for reward. I understand your doing a item sink/money sink atm but can't you make it at least like every 2hours? and decrease some drop rates if your worried about to many items entering the game.

Takes hours to get yet it's just fashion scape yes its useful on OSRS but on here it's useless i've already made a post about this yet no attention.