Ok, So I'm not sure where to post this honestly, But I just want to show you possible rewards real time of a mystery box. As you may know the to obtain a mystery box you have to either buy a bond with In-game money or pay $3 for a bond. I was going for a party hat, But I honestly think after update, party hats need a buff, something more fair. I'm sure it wasn't expect to have someone buy this many, but yeah. Yes I do know had I just sold the bonds, I could have went and purchased a party hat, but nevertheless here are the screen shots of the rewrads.

(Link is a bigger image, the image uploaded tiny.)
(click link here --> http://prntscr.com/j2fbur )

Let me know what you think! Only allowed me 1 photo upload, so I had to crack open my mediocre photoshop skills and edit 1 photo.