1. Pre Nex boss (or a different new boss)  - 11-21-2021 #1

    Senior Member
    May 2017
    Since we all know its been announced that Nex is returning to OSRS, I thought why not make our own version of a solo/group boss for the sake of it to attract some players and pvm geeks our way. The idea behind this boss might sound custom-ish but anything Jagex adds to the game these days is no different. If the boss is being coded and tested properly it could definitely be an amazing project and attractive to many players from any category. I know there are lots of mechanics on this one but its meant to be an end game boss which drops bis equipment.

    The Nex type of boss:

    -A player-like boss, but a little bigger than players in size.
    -Base health: 1400, Scaling 35% per player. Max scaling 5x players. Set maximum health = 3850 with 5 players or more.
    -This boss has 4 total phases.
    -The rotation of phases always starting with Melee first > Ranged second > Magic third > End phase.
    -Unlike the special phase mechanic during melee form, the special phase mechanics during Ranged & Magic form would happen during mid phases. These would be at 800 health for Ranged form, and 400 health for Magic form.
    -Boss uses its respective combat style during its form, not mixed combat styles.
    -Bosses auto attacks are multi-combat, meaning it will hit all players in the room at all times. (same as nightmare)
    -Bosses Passive attacks will only focus on targeted player.
    -Boss will change it's aggression towards another random player every few auto attacks.
    -Minimum of 2 combat style's required to progress through this boss.
    -Boss uses protection prayers through phase 1, 2 and 3. It's overhead prayer will change into a random style every 40 gameticks.
    -Boss transforms to next phase every 400 health. At end of each phase it will teleport to the center and transform into its next form mid Arceuus teleport gfx.
    -Players protection prayers would always block 70% of incoming damage.
    -Not immune to defence reducing weapons such as Bandos godsword and Dragon warhammer specials.

    Note: Few things such as the boss's combat stats, damage output and prayer percentages will need to be tested first during beta and corrected accordingly.

    Boss Forms and mechanics:

    Phase 1: Melee form specifications:
    -Equipment: Full Torva + Scythe
    -Auto attack set at 6 ticks.
    -Attack distance: 1 Tile (standard melee)
    -Passive melee attack: Deactivates the targeted player's protection prayers for a gametick. Show chatbox message for this.
    -Additional attack mechanic procs on a 10% chance within auto attacks.

    Special Phase Mechanic: 'Dry Ice poison'
    -This mechanic starts as soon as players enter the bosses ground.
    -Infectionous cough effect is spread across all players in room dealing a maximum of 15 poison damage (or 3 with any kind of antipoison potion).
    -The poison damage occurs every 30 ticks, throughout the entire phase.
    -Poison effect is cleansed off of players when the entire Phase is done.

    Phase 2: Ranged form specifications:
    -Equipment: Full pernix + Twisted bow
    -Auto attack gfx: Crystal arrow
    -Auto attack is set at 6 ticks.
    -Attack distance up to 8 tiles
    -Passive ranged attack: 'Bleed effect' similiar to morrigans javelin special; The targeted player gets dealt 3 consecutive hits of 20%, 15% and 10% of the hit that you receive. 20 damage will result in a bleed of 5,3,1
    -Additional passive attack mechanic procs on a 10% chance within auto attack.

    Special phase mechanic: 'Nuke Bomb'
    -A pillar will appear and activate midphase with two bars on top of it. One for health and the other bar is a timer which ticks down in time.
    -The pillar has 150 health and 12 second (20 ticks) timer on it.
    -Magic is required to take down the pillar. Any magic attack/spell will do up to 100% damage. Contrary melee and ranged attacks have 90% reduced damage on pillar
    -Pillar has 0 magic defence so magic should never splash on it. In the same way as magic works on Dagannoth Rex.
    -The boss will focus on "charging the pillar" (vengeance other animation can be used for this), It will NOT attack the players untill pillar is down.
    -Boss is immune to player attacks whilst the pillar is active
    -If players fail to take down the pillar in given time, it will explode and deal anywhere between 50-70 damage each to all players inside the room.

    Phase 3: Magic form specifications:
    -Equipment: Full Virtus + Sanguinesti Staff
    -Auto attack is set at 6 ticks.
    -Auto attack spell: Shadow Barrage
    -Attack distance up to 8 tiles
    -Passive Magic attacks: 1. Blood barrage; heals boss for 100% of damage dealt to player. 2. Ice Barrage; stuns targeted player for 5 ticks.
    -Additional passive attack mechanic procs on a 10% chance within auto attack.

    Special phase mechanic: 'Blood vampyre'
    -A red blood-like tree should be in the area at the start of this phase.
    -Two Blood reavers or bloodvelds type of npc's with 80 health each will be spawning midphase each focusing on eating the tree.
    -Every 5 game ticks, each succesfull eat will heal the boss 5 health per blood reaver/veld alive. So 10 heal when both alive, 5 heal when only one is alive.
    -Show purple hitsplats when boss gets healed during Blood reavers/velds AND via blood barrage passive attack.
    -Boss is immune to player attacks from the moment Blood reavers/velds spawn, untill they both die.
    -Unlike phase 2, the boss will still focus on damaging players during this phase.

    Phase 4: The final chapter:

    At the end of Phase 3, the boss will shout a message: "I am not done yet! Feel my Wrath!" and for the last time the boss will teleport to the center of the area while transforming back into its melee form, this time with retribution prayer on. With just 200 health left it's auto attacks become rapid with a speed of 4 ticks dealing more dps to players. Once it's dead and falling to the ground retribution should activate and damage nearby players.

    Drops and drop rates will not be discussed as of yet.

    Thanks for listening to my story which will never get added :')
    Last edited by Mate; 11-22-2021 at 05:45 AM.

  2. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Didn't read

    Edit: "At the end of Phase 3, the boss will shout a message: "I am not done yet! Feel my Wrath!"" Can it say something in Polish instead? Like "Kurwa jebany!"?

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    Didn't read

    Edit: "At the end of Phase 3, the boss will shout a message: "I am not done yet! Feel my Wrath!"" Can it say something in Polish instead? Like "Kurwa jebany!"?

    Sorry it aint a gypsy like u c:

  4. Offline
    Senior Moderator
    Senior Moderator
    Aug 2017
    Id rather wait for nex, cause then you would have this and nex? dropping the same shit. Plus it would take him 2 year to code *atleast

  5. Offline
    Mar 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Mudkip View Post
    Id rather wait for nex, cause then you would have this and nex? dropping the same shit. Plus it would take him 2 year to code *atleast
    Agree with zorg, nex on osrs will come faster then this

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2021
    just add curse prays now and summoning

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    May 2017
    Sounds lovely tbf

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