Keeping it short and simple:


-Solo/duo scaled raids are a bit off with monster health, figured theres less health on all npc's + olm if you're in a trio+

-Make it so you can only cross forward over the barricades INTO a boss room while being in combat, but not back out of a boss room. Make the scavenger npc's non agro. They pull u in combat for no reason where u cannot cross barricades instantly and have to wait for 10-15 seconds.

-Magic and Melee hand at Olm phase still are quite tanky since they were last tweaked on previous server. A slight defence nerf would do.

-Remove Shaman's jumping ability in raids, its much rather annoying as hits dont register which results in a complete waste of time. Also another fix for shamans outside of raids: hits should register when you hit them right before or as they jump.

-Tekton recently received a change in osrs which includes a Defence nerf and a slight increase of time (about 10 seconds) before walking back to anvil.

-Remove Attack option on Olm's head during regular phases which includes hands killing. It is rather useless as you cannot attack it anyway and annoying as the attack clickbox on olms head is large. Attack option on the head should be visible again on phase 3 as soon as the last hand being alive reaches about 25% health.

Dragon Warhammer special attack:

DWH special attack seems quite inaccurate at times, not sure wether its due to its personal codes or the combat formula overall. for example: it misses alot on Tekton and also at Corporeal beast i've still been able to spec two zero's in a row after 4-5 successful hits. It is not meant to happen that often as it does currently due to corps defence nearing zero at that point. Perhaps a slight increase in accuracy success for Dwh's special attack might fix this solution.