Hello all, I am Bondi and I am requesting community support in a matter.

A few days ago I was involved in a Serious situation regarding a scam. I item staked a large quantity of items, for the grand Twisted bow owned by a player called 'butterfly'.
Butterfly and I agreed to stake his twisted bow V My max set + many additional items including a spectral, dwh and many more in which I attained all on my own accord through pvm'ing. I had won the stake and afterward Butterfly refused to pay me my OWN items back + the twisted bow, Butterfly insisted the only way he will stake is if i hand my items over prior to the stake as He does not trust me, in which i agreed as i was desperate for that twisted bow. If i had of lost fair and square, I intended to keep playing and create an ironman for fun. As i was scammed, I feel demotivated to continue playing without my items. I understood that there are no refunds for item scamming.

Many players on battlescape know me as a helpful player, always willing to give my own time to show people around, give advice, and even assist newer players with starting items.

I have previously been scammed at the duel arena for 15m cash in 1 stake + another single item in another seperate stake in which i reported, and did not request a refund.

But seeing as the recent stake in which I was scammed was of such supreme wealth, I am requesting the backing and support of the community to assist me in gaining a refund + the item I rightfully won as a ONCE-OFF refund.

I do not usually ask for much, but am sure willing to give alot to the community as I have.

Please community, back me and support me in trying to receieve a STRICTLY ONCE-OFF refund of my items + the item i rightfully won.

Management, please allow this post to go ahead without closing it.

I thank the community for your opinions wether you support or not.

- Bondi