Originally Posted by
The current state of world 1 is dead / dying.
My suggestion would be to change the world 1 style to
A spawn / pk server, with the exeption of really rare items, high value cosmetics and raid 1/2 items
Add a chest like on current osrs tournament world to get the gear to pk with with the exeption of infernal cape(other rare bis items) wich can be earned via bloodmoney or exchanging emblems.
Pvp weapons like vls will still be a random wildy boss drop but also has a small chance of dropping when killing your bh target in wilderness.
Bloodmoney shop will be reworked for higher tier armor and fighting with more risk in the willderness will be rewarded with better rewards
-changing wilderness kill highscores, with a reward for most kills each week
-DH, NH , multi and other style pk events in the wildy
Just my idea of a w1 revival