1. Hard and Ironman - Shops at Level 99  - 09-07-2018 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    This is an idea proposed to me that I wanted to run by players. Basically, introducing a large number of supplies items through shops when you reach level 99.

    Once you're 99 fishing and cooking, your shop options for food would contain lobsters, swordfish, sharks, karambwans, and pizza.
    99 herblore: super potions, maybe some others too.
    99 runecrafting: wrath runes (these also could probably just be placed in the legends shop).
    99 fletching: rune c'bow, rune arrows and adamant and rune enchanted bolts (or just enchanted adamant bolts and regular rune bolts).
    99 crafting: black d'hide, glory, recoils, and phoenix necklace.

    The idea would be to not make the initial building easier, but instead, allow you in these modes to more easily enjoy endgame content such as bosses/raids/etc.

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    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    maybe would see some ironmen pking

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I love this idea. Fully support

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2017
    No need to water down the idea too much by offering bad items in the shops

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Once you're 99 fishing and cooking, your shop options for food would contain lobsters, swordfish, sharks, karambwans, and pizza.
    The shop should also contain anglers. You can already do every piece of end game PVM with just swordfish (I do it myself because I cba to fish) so theres no need to exclude anglers from this. Nobody would ever fish anglers, they would just settle for sharks because +2 isn't enough to matter in PVM.

    Being Limitted to sharks also fucks the idea of Ironmen pking since they'd be at a disadvantage to any pkers who aren't ironmen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    99 herblore: super potions, maybe some others too.
    Should be every pot (including combat/stamina/venom). You already get more herbs on Ironman than pots you use. It would be annoying still having to make pots just for the sake of it when we already have 5k of each herb noted.

    The alternative and better idea for this would be to make a shop where Iron Men can just trade in their Grimy/Clean herbs & some coins for finished 4 dose potions. (after 99 herblore). Since the BM shop contains the herb box it would give Ironmen a way to supply themselves potions whilst pking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    99 runecrafting: wrath runes (these also could probably just be placed in the legends shop).

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    99 fletching: rune c'bow, rune arrows and adamant and rune enchanted bolts (or just enchanted adamant bolts and regular rune bolts).
    Should include enchanted runite bolts

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    99 crafting: black d'hide, glory, recoils, and phoenix necklace.
    Last edited by blazed you; 09-08-2018 at 02:21 AM.

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    Oct 2016
    Gay af

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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    This is an idea proposed to me that I wanted to run by players. Basically, introducing a large number of supplies items through shops when you reach level 99.

    Once you're 99 fishing and cooking, your shop options for food would contain lobsters, swordfish, sharks, karambwans, and pizza.
    99 herblore: super potions, maybe some others too.
    99 runecrafting: wrath runes (these also could probably just be placed in the legends shop).
    99 fletching: rune c'bow, rune arrows and adamant and rune enchanted bolts (or just enchanted adamant bolts and regular rune bolts).
    99 crafting: black d'hide, glory, recoils, and phoenix necklace.

    The idea would be to not make the initial building easier, but instead, allow you in these modes to more easily enjoy endgame content such as bosses/raids/etc.
    That would defeat the purpose of continuing to skill after 99 for supplies. This will also have a slight effect on the economy of hard mode. Leave everything as is.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Wzyqtr2 View Post
    That would defeat the purpose of continuing to skill after 99 for supplies. This will also have a slight effect on the economy of hard mode. Leave everything as is.
    Hard mode is ~7% of the population. Making a few things easier might actually be in its best interest. The point of this would be to allow you to do more once you've gone through the trouble of getting the XP needed to make your own supplies.

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    Junior Member
    Nov 2017
    meh id rather see :

    a significant boost for the speed of catching fish with fishing cape

    chance for double potions with herblore cape

    runecrafting: chance for double output

    double bolt tips with crafting cape

    thieving cape lets you steal random rings of recoil, glory & p necks? Im not sure about this, might get abused to make gp fast.

    The idea would be to not make the initial building easier, but instead, allow you in these modes to more easily enjoy endgame content such as bosses/raids/etc.
    nobody is going to use black dhide, wrath runes and rune cbows for raids/ bossing.

    Also, why are you trying to get ironmen to pk, thats not going to happen. theres no incentive. This is a laughable idea at best.

    ALSO: hey lets check out my jar thread, maybe we can do something about that and/or fix the skewed drop table thats broken atm?

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    Junior Member
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Hard mode is ~7% of the population. Making a few things easier might actually be in its best interest. The point of this would be to allow you to do more once you've gone through the trouble of getting the XP needed to make your own supplies.

    Well it's just my opinion at the end of the day, do what you thinks best for your game. I no-lifed hard mode for first 2-3 weeks on my account 'v w v' and lost interest due to it not necessarily being hard. The main issue was people hoarding boss items/skilling supplies at the time, I'm not too sure about the current state of hard mode as I hardly play as is on a normal account. My main thought on being able to buy potions is that people won't necessarily need to do slayer for grimy herbs which means less slayer items like whips for example being in the game mode. Along with that, grimy herbs only real use would be to train herblore for people who want 99. If I was playing with 99 herblore, I'd invest in potions from the shop and sell them for a profit to new players who want to train efficiently. A work around for this could be having separate item ids for the potions in the shop, then making them un-tradeable. That method would be best in my opinion for you to give high level players more of a means to carry on bossing, but also stop people from capitalising on gaining cash from the shop and also making people train slayer to get those herbs for exp/potions which would result in a higher percentage of slayer unique drops. That's all just my 2 min thought process though, do as you please as I said before haha.

    Edit- I focused mostly on herblore/potions as I think this would have the highest impact as a whole. I slightly agree with the other shops though, to a point.
    Last edited by HCE Trilogy; 09-09-2018 at 12:26 PM.

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