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    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Imagine you had the opportunity to go back in time. You can choose any period in history and you could manipulate events in any way you're capable of. Now, what would you do? That's not an easy question to answer. There are seemingly limitless possibilities. One could be selfless and use this opportunity to prevent terrible catastrophes from happening. Perhaps stopping 9/11. One could use it selfishly, by going back in time to invest in Google or Apple. Maybe to those who have a thirst for knowledge may use it to witness some of histories greatest events. Something like having a front row seat at one of Plato's lectures, or being present at the crowning of Napoleon. With the 20/20 hindsight we have today our choices are only limited by our imagination.

    Now, what if I could offer you this. Not exactly the ability to time travel, but rather to have the satisfaction of participating in something great while it is still in its infancy? How many of us have kicked ourselves in the pants for not buying bitcoin when it was dirt cheap or taking some other risk that proved later to be fruitful? Of course, we don't take these chances because we are scared and are filled with self-doubt. This is where my offer comes in. By joining my group, "Bill Pierce for overseer", you have reserved yourself a seat at the table of eternity. You will have become a member of an organization dedicated to real change with honest, hardworking and dedicated leadership. Don't look back on this moment as yet another missed chance down the road. It's time to stop being a spectator and become a participant. It's time to stop cheering from the sidelines and join the team and get on the field. Become a man amongst men and join my cause. Together we can make a difference.

    Follow this link. https://www.battle-scape.com/group

    It will take you to the page where all groups are listed. You'll find my group there. Make your mother and father proud and join today!

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2017
    Lost it at the part where you plugged yourself for staff ��

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Wzyqtr2 View Post
    Lost it at the part where you plugged yourself for staff ��
    That was the whole point of the post...

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    9/11 was an inside job anyways so how could you stop it fam

  5. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by sixth sense View Post
    9/11 was an inside job anyways so how could you stop it fam
    By getting on the inside?

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Miika View Post
    By getting on the inside?
    Bill Pierce caused 911 confirmed

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    May 2017
    Battlescape 2010/2011 ish, the first source Palidino made with Neitiznot home and edgeville pking. But now it being a semi-spawn pk server including a vast majority of bosses included aswell. Alotta stuff like npc's and bosses inside wildy. Slayer skill which is purely only train-able in wildy.

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