Re-release bs3 with all the saved character profiles for the summer, ez. Thank me later.

On a more serious note, I think a full reset was necessary ages ago but this server (and past versions) has reached a point where it can’t or won’t be done due to user push back. Also, who’s to say once we reach out to those pkers that they won’t be toxic? Who’s going to moderate that, I assure you it’s never worth the time or effort it takes. It definitely can work, but that community will definitely bring DDOS attacks, hacking, ragging, general disruptive behavior, and an odd amount of phishing attempts. There’s also no reason for them to stay here. The teams seem to server hop to whatever is new or has the least of their team memebers banned.

I’ve seen the server reach these lows and highs over the years and the fixes only work briefly. There definitely is a reason this site has been around for so long, I just don’t know how we could get around the PKer road block. I think he ideas stated are decent but not a permanent fix. If this did work, it would go as Pali stated and last about 3 months. In short, a reset/rollback is probably needed, you can make as many pker friendly updates as you want but they always leave, and a second world is no bueno amigo.