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    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    Inferno, the hardest PVM challenge to come to OSRS. Context, Ironman BTW; possibly the hardest game mode to do the inferno on because of the hours you have to put in to get the gear, herbs, coins, runes etc.

    But we're the only gamemode that's punished for that? If you're a member on a normal account you instantly get to skip 32 waves, 17 if you're a standard player, even now once I've completed the inferno multiple times I still am not allowed to skip the first 32 waves.

    Why does that matter? once you perfect it, you can do the first 32 waves with 2-3 doses of prayer pot with no flicking required, it's the time. Adds a good 15-30 minutes on for the fun of it. I believe the inferno skip SHOULD be unlocked by either reaching a wave milestone such as getting to 69 or 32. I have no problem with anyone starting at a higher wave, I just think its unfair if I want to attempt again I have to waste 30 minutes doing 32 waves after spending 100's of hours on tbow, ancent etc. It's a bit frustrating doing an hour and a half grind to die in one shot and having to repeat that process.

    ZUK tasks scroll to be added boss slayer rewards? 1-3 with a larger point reward?
    NPC guy who exchanges capes for pet? 1 in 25ish?

    Either way it's very challenging & fun ,good luck to anyone who is giving it a go!

    TL/DR - Make skip waves unlock on Ironmen and other games modes that apply on completion
    Last edited by Tomtom; 01-24-2018 at 08:59 AM.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Alltough I agree that those first waves are a time waste you chose to be an ironman yourself - for the challenge. Think the NPC near the entrance accepts capes for a gamble, no idea at what rates. What I do know is that there are no pets in-game yet. Zuk only sounds ok but it should only be accessible if completed the regular run and should not be cheap in boss slayer points to prevent a pet farm.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Alltough I agree that those first waves are a time waste you chose to be an ironman yourself - for the challenge. Think the NPC near the entrance accepts capes for a gamble, no idea at what rates. What I do know is that there are no pets in-game yet. Zuk only sounds ok but it should only be accessible if completed the regular run and should not be cheap in boss slayer points to prevent a pet farm.
    Consistency is lacking, mage arena 2 cape's once you've completed it once, you can just fight the final boss to get the capes back, not saying the inferno should be the same but once completing the content, you should unlock the 32 wave skip, changes nothing, they're just dull time consuming waves. There is no NPC near the enterence of the inferno, I agree with your boss slayer suggestion

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    Just noticed iron men can skip the Mage arena 2 waves, there should be an update to allow to skip the inferno waves AFTER you beat it on the restricted modes. Perhaps the same could go for Mage arena 2.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomtom View Post
    Just noticed iron men can skip the Mage arena 2 waves, there should be an update to allow to skip the inferno waves AFTER you beat it on the restricted modes. Perhaps the same could go for Mage arena 2.
    This was done because in OSRS, the Mage Arena 2 "minigame" consists of locating the three demons in random spots in the wilderness and killing them. It made sense to not make the minigame so difficult permanently since on OSRS it isn't hard/long.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    This was done because in OSRS, the Mage Arena 2 "minigame" consists of locating the three demons in random spots in the wilderness and killing them. It made sense to not make the minigame so difficult permanently since on OSRS it isn't hard/long.
    Fair point, I would love to see the wave skip unlocked in the inferno/fightwaves etc after you've beaten the content for gold members on the restricted modes.

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