1. Dot and Adam do an even better giveaway!  - 01-17-2018 #1

    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    This is a follow-up to our previous giveaway thread.

    Unfortunately Dot and I haven't been able to keep up with our old BS hours. We both enjoyed the game a ton and decided to give away most of our completionist items so in case we are able to return to play together some day we can re-grind for all the good stuff together like the good old days.

    If you missed out on our big hide-n-seek event, the game was: find us and first two players to trade either one of us got to pick two items from the goodie bag. Players were only allowed to win up to three times. We had a ton of fun as always with the dope BS community here!

    These were the rewards and the players who came out as winners from my perspective. Dot gave away just as much as I did if not more

    Pvm Karl came out winning the most with big items like a Twisted Bow and a Dragon Warhammer

    It's been great playing with all of you and being able to be part of this very fun community!


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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I missed it but would not have participated anyway but yes awesum when items are not simply dropped. You definitely made some ppls day and pvm Karl is one lucky dude for sure.

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    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I missed it but would not have participated anyway but yes awesum when items are not simply dropped. You definitely made some ppls day and pvm Karl is one lucky dude for sure.
    You were on but you were afk lol.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I was in my own cc doing boss tasks so I missed the home cc stuff but I dont participate in the giveaways either way I got a pm that it was happening however. If i am afk its because I am letting the dogs out or other short tasks. Afk is xp waste lol

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    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I missed it but would not have participated anyway but yes awesum when items are not simply dropped. You definitely made some ppls day and pvm Karl is one lucky dude for sure.
    hell yeah Dot and I like to make it fun for everyone and give everyone a little rs-based challenge. We had a great time, arguably more fun than the participants

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