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Someone got access to the account sadly. I honestly dunno how it happened.
Before anyone asks
-was for 200-250m
-Email/pw never used on an rsps, also had bankpin
-Wasn't even MY email or had any link to me
-No jag auth as the acc was shared and simply put, cba. (Was it the person you shared with?) No. We've shared several accounts over the past decade amongst access to other things. It would've been a fail on his part to hack me now.
-Not upset, just annoyed. The things they took and left baffled me. For instance, some of my untradables were left on the account instead of dropped (though they might've been botting to achieve the same point). And some stackable items worth a few mill were left e.g., Snakeskins, a few hundred thousand flax, Runes in rune pouch, and other things. All together it adds up to 5-6m. I just hope I don't get banned for the botting. Oh well.