Quote Originally Posted by Ipoy View Post
Dear Iron Valkys,

Dust devils have a slayer requirement of 65 slayer not 93 slayer, that's for smoke devils.

By 93 slayer you would have that amount of slayer points in osrs since you get less xp to get the higher levels - it'd be way more tasks to achieve the level and in return more points.

What you could do is boost the slayer points through doing 9 tasks through the level 20 combat slayer master and every 10th, 20th, 30th.... Task do it with the highest slayer master to get more points to unlock whatever you need.

Other ways to get more slayer points is through purchasing the "Free points" slayer relic found through quest tab - bond icon - view relics - slayer tab | Do slayer tasks when there's the "Slayer" well boost and also if you're a donator, then you can claim a free slayer skip token from steve in the Donator Zone - Which also higher donator rank = less points to skip and less points needed to get the slayer helm recolor unlock, so there's a lot of other ways that are also boosting the players experience on this server.

There's also an option to buy Expeditious bracelets that have a 25% chance to proc to count 1 slayer kill as 2 towards your task + if you talk to the slayer master after you get the task - you can halve the task so you can get over it faster.

Also, most tasks can be bursted/barraged in catacomb - which would make the tasks finish faster than usual.

If you want to have that amount of slayer points when you reach 93 slayer then you can go for Elite status since it'd be way slower and you'd rack up more tasks + points along the way.

Yeah smoke devils, brain not working at 11pm after work.

i know one person who is 55m slayer exp and has not had a smoke devil task yet, even with skips on his ironman.

it seems a bit ridiculous to enforce such strict rules on slayer, when its just an arbitrary lockout that is 100% RNG driven.
Like i said, the bosses being locked behind task are fine, but the regular monsters should not be, especially when it may take 4-5 tasks to even get drops from those tasks, inflating the time spent doing slayer for no reason.