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  1. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2023
    From my limited experience, it seems that the server is focused on pvp and bossing and it is great but not perfect. There is demographics of people who value in rs the crafting aspect (creating new items and not just the skill) and it would be great if there would be some treats for us. As it is, the changes made the crafting much more streamlined which is great for lvling, but once lvl 99 is reached, there is nothing more to achieve. If there would be resources (ores / trees / fish) in remote locations, which could be crafted into something valuable (unique) it would make the task worthwhile. EXP over lvl 99 could be "traded" for something of value (e.g. 1m exp = tradeable lamp for the same difficulty lvl, which gives 100k exp). Basically any endgoals which make using skills past lvl 99 would be great!

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2021
    Experience gained over level 99 is hunted by players on runescape as well as battlescape, since people aim for 200m experience to earn a higher rank on the highscore and solidifying their rank. Trading off experience over 99 for even a 1m to 100k ratio would be broken with the experience rates for some skills would give you a ridiculously high experience/hour which can be easily farmed to transfer the experience to a slower skill to boost ranks. So that's a definite no since it'd be unfair for players achieving the endgoals that you have mentioned but by actually training the skills.

    And for the aspect of creating new items, that's something that reverts back to the way you play the game. Players choose to play ironman to have that "aspect" of getting the items themselves and craft them and work their way to having a maxed account through their grinds, and as far as normal mode goes it's the exact same concept as runescape - with having the choice to grind for the items or buying it off other players.

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    Junior Member
    Jan 2023
    Sure, it doesn't have to be a flat rate - 1:10 can be a baseline, but it may be "cheaper" to buy the lamps with some skills exp, and the yield may vary based on the skill boosted as well.

    The endgoal doesn't need to be "standard" - e.g. if you need to have eq to be available the same way as it is now, crafting can create bonds, cash, skins, access to new areas, etc. Preferably something that doesn't affect the great gameplay but what can be traded to "standard" players so that both "standard" and "crafting" players have even more fun.

    [EDIT]: it doesn't need to be particularly strong - I've used bonds as an example because they are consistently ~1m ea but it can be anything. It should not be as viable as pvp or bossing but it should not be pointless anymore. E.g. AFK tokens could be used for something, or lower level materials. The "rewards" can benefit crafting e.g. an item similar to coal bag but for runite bars.
    Last edited by LuKo555066; 05-23-2023 at 05:17 AM.

  4. Offline
    Apr 2020
    Simple answer for this is no. It does not fit in with the game at all.

    What you are asking for is a fully custom server, with odd and wacky items. This won't be something that we will implement.

    The server is heavily OSRS based, and implementing a full new skill, which is what it is in reality with 100s of custom items is a no go.

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    Junior Member
    Jan 2023
    Sure, it is just a suggestion but what do you mean by "implementing a full new skill"? My idea was to make the existing skills important. In OSRS there is a challenge with relation to skills - e.g. if you want to mine runite, you compete against other players, as the number of rocks are limited and they are usually in remote areas so producing runite eq gives satisfaction. Here, everything is streamlined so the satisfaction is so much lower - there is no feeling of accomplishment. I understand that making changes to the preexisting mechanics is hard and the suggestion may never come to fruition but my goal is to convince you that it is something that is worth keeping in the back of your heads when you update the game so you can grab low hanging fruits. E.g. if there would be a daily quest similar to daily skilling quests, which required you to bring X items (e.g. med rune helmets) and it gives something fancy (e.g. resets the daily skilling quest so you can do it twice per day, or even better - an item which does that so you can sell it to others) it would fulfill the same needs for crafting players and may be easier to implement. Or any other idea that you will have to make that aspect of the game more interesting. For sure "crafting" players (i.e. normal players who prefer that style of gameplay) are less important here and this is fine - that's not the main point of the server and it's better to ensure that changes don't affect negatively the core game here but if you are aware that there are some paths to improve gameplay for a few players only good things can follow

  6. Offline
    Apr 2020
    The way you have been talking about this is would be entirely its own skill/minigame with 100s of custom items. ~ No is the answer.

    (e.g. resets the daily skilling quest so you can do it twice per day, or even better - an item which does that so you can sell it to others)
    What? like.... Its a Daily Skilling Task, not an unlock and do it twice skilling task.... You also gain a random skilling item box and bond from doing this activity.

    You are asking for a miniature quest with rewards for every thing... Skilling outside of Ironman and outside of 99 has little to no beneficial aspects bar making a few mil extra gp, or the flex that comes from gaining a 200m skill.

    What you are asking for is something that we would not be looking in any form to implement. If you are heavily into custom RSPS then Battlescape is not this, I would suggest trying an Elite Difficulty Ironman.

    A "crafting" player sound like someone who has created a skiller and not chosen the whole ironman aspect of acquiring there own gear and playstyle that goes with it.

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