1. Raids type minigame on Battlescape?  - 01-06-2017 #1

    Junior Member
    Oct 2016

    We all remember dungeoneering from old battlescape servers. Since Jagex has released something similiar to what Palidino used to have as dungeoneering on some of his old servers, it would be pretty awesome to see something similiar to raids back in battlescape. For some reason some people have already copied npc files etc. Yet again it should be kept simple with few boss rooms those new ones from raids on 07, a fishing & herblore room in one to get own food and basic super potions to fight demi-bosses, and a room at the end before final boss room with the low level npc's which drop a fair stack of brews, restores and a one time drop with a cap for overloads based on party size. 5 people means 5 overload drops max.

    I personally miss the sweet dungeoneering minigame Palidino made back in the day so it would be pretty awesome to bring it on again since jagex has already coded it.

    Last edited by Shrekt mate; 01-06-2017 at 03:48 PM.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Raids would be cool, but it's been out a day which means for 1, next OSRS update will make cache related patches to things like maps and NPCs that have bugs (and literal missing items they forgot), and 2 almost no data online for how their raids works just yet (all the boss mechanics and what not).

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Raids would be cool, but it's been out a day which means for 1, next OSRS update will make cache related patches to things like maps and NPCs that have bugs (and literal missing items they forgot), and 2 almost no data online for how their raids works just yet (all the boss mechanics and what not).
    True that but I know you are magical and can get something similiar to it again which we can enjoy, if you wish to haha.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrekt mate View Post
    True that but I know you are magical and can get something similiar to it again which we can enjoy, if you wish to haha.
    I'd like to someday get to raids as an update, but the last thing I want to do is try working on it before even OSRS players know how raids fully works lol.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I'd like to someday get to raids as an update, but the last thing I want to do is try working on it before even OSRS players know how raids fully works lol.
    Most of it requires skilling, too.

    We currently have 2 skills.

    3 if you include slayer.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I'd like to someday get to raids as an update, but the last thing I want to do is try working on it before even OSRS players know how raids fully works lol.
    Its gonna take a while till you will be at the stage where you can code 07 raids, map files and stuff wont be released soon as you've said. Thats why it would be awesome to have something related to raids as a minigame with some great rewards, maybe even D claws which does exist and items that possibly already have files available I think. Since we play the server and watch the streams I thought it wouldnt be a bad idea if we could enjoy something similiar to raids on battlescape, as the first awesome minigame being coded on a server.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrekt mate View Post
    Its gonna take a while till you will be at the stage where you can code 07 raids, map files and stuff wont be released soon as you've said. Thats why it would be awesome to have something related to raids as a minigame with some great rewards, maybe even D claws which does exist and items that possibly already have files available I think. Since we play the server and watch the streams I thought it wouldnt be a bad idea if we could enjoy something similiar to raids on battlescape, as the first awesome minigame being coded on a server.
    Oh I didn't mean that. I could update our cache right now, have someone hop on raids in osrs and run through it all using a client I send them, and have the maps. But when they fix bugs in a week with raids that I'm sure we'll want, we'll have to get the maps all over again. Which isn't hard so much as it's annoying having to edit the osrs client to save maps for me (takes around an hour to get set up, more annoying than anything having to do it opposed to being hard though).

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    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Oh I didn't mean that. I could update our cache right now, have someone hop on raids in osrs and run through it all using a client I send them, and have the maps. But when they fix bugs in a week with raids that I'm sure we'll want, we'll have to get the maps all over again. Which isn't hard so much as it's annoying having to edit the osrs client to save maps for me (takes around an hour to get set up, more annoying than anything having to do it opposed to being hard though).
    We need...

    - Cerberes
    - Abyssal Sires
    - Kalphite Queen
    - Tzhaar (Place)
    - Fight Caves
    - Ancient Cavern (Add Chewed Bones)
    - Kourend Dunegon (Should be done being updated for a while now)
    - Skillcapes
    - BM Shop Updated

    Do more useful updates before you even release High Tiered Mini-game. Can't get best boots ingame without Blood Money, no Abyssal Blugeon, Tzhaar for those items, etc.

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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Raids would be cool, but it's been out a day which means for 1, next OSRS update will make cache related patches to things like maps and NPCs that have bugs (and literal missing items they forgot), and 2 almost no data online for how their raids works just yet (all the boss mechanics and what not).
    Mechanics wise as well you are probably looking at about 2-3x longer coding than zulrah lol

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    We can have dungeoneering, not raids. One of those things that's simply too complicated right now. And who's gonna risk their account for raids info? Nah me.

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