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    Junior Member
    Sep 2021
    Content Suggestion:

    I think that Hespori would be an excellent add to the server if added with a slightly tweaked drop table and different circumstances than normal. Also a good compromise between adding farming guild and not.


    Since the farming guild is not added in game and I doubt that it will be, Hespori could be added just through his boss room. From what I understand Hespori is coded to be in a separate room similar to the way that Skotizo is coded. Ideally it would be nice if the Hespori seed could be used to instantly teleport to the boss room, but another way to do it could be to teleport to the room through the wizard or another npc and have the code check to see if the seed is in the inventory and claim it. Not sure what the best way is to implement it in that regard.


    There’s a few drops that would be pretty pointless on the server that hespori usually drops, those being anima seeds, and spirit seeds. I think that a good way to fix that would be by replacing those drops with seed packs that are normally awarded through farming contracts. Seed packs can be pretty profitable especially for how easy and quick hespori is. The unique drop that hespori drops which is the bottomless compost bucket, I think would actually be fairly useful on the server. About as useful as the dragon versions of skilling items that are already available, like the dragon pickaxe, harpoon, etc. The drop table would probably have to be tweaked due to the nature of the speed of progression and gp gain on the server, tree seeds, fruit tree seeds, and herb seeds should be prioritized on the table as they are the most useful for training farming in BattleScape, and also worth the most gp. Another advantage of hespori is that it adds versatility to the farming skill. Currently in bscape pretty much everything that is good about farming in OSRS is useless on the server. Herb runs don’t make enough GP to be worthwhile and training farming has such massive exp drops from trees that it’s not really worth doing. Hespori also provides another way to get the farming pet besides doing farming runs which is nice for people who are interested. The pet chance is calculated in OSRS the same way as most other skilling pets are even as a Hespori boss drop, using the formula the standard skilling pet formula, which equates to a drop rate of 1 out of 5,375 at level 65 farming (earliest you can fight Hespori) and 1 out of 4,525 at level 99 farming. Magic secateurs could also be a unique drop from hespori as they increase farming yield which is somewhat useful. Herb sack may also be a good unique drop to add. Clue scrolls would be another great add to the drop table at a similar rate to Skotizo drops.

    Overall I think the quality and quantity of seeds being increased so that the GP earned per KC is more on par with other activities would be a great add to the server.

  2. Offline
    Dec 2017
    In 2023

  3. Offline
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by PetRat View Post
    Content Suggestion:

    I think that Hespori would be an excellent add to the server if added with a slightly tweaked drop table and different circumstances than normal. Also a good compromise between adding farming guild and not.


    Since the farming guild is not added in game and I doubt that it will be, Hespori could be added just through his boss room. From what I understand Hespori is coded to be in a separate room similar to the way that Skotizo is coded. Ideally it would be nice if the Hespori seed could be used to instantly teleport to the boss room, but another way to do it could be to teleport to the room through the wizard or another npc and have the code check to see if the seed is in the inventory and claim it. Not sure what the best way is to implement it in that regard.


    There’s a few drops that would be pretty pointless on the server that hespori usually drops, those being anima seeds, and spirit seeds. I think that a good way to fix that would be by replacing those drops with seed packs that are normally awarded through farming contracts. Seed packs can be pretty profitable especially for how easy and quick hespori is. The unique drop that hespori drops which is the bottomless compost bucket, I think would actually be fairly useful on the server. About as useful as the dragon versions of skilling items that are already available, like the dragon pickaxe, harpoon, etc. The drop table would probably have to be tweaked due to the nature of the speed of progression and gp gain on the server, tree seeds, fruit tree seeds, and herb seeds should be prioritized on the table as they are the most useful for training farming in BattleScape, and also worth the most gp. Another advantage of hespori is that it adds versatility to the farming skill. Currently in bscape pretty much everything that is good about farming in OSRS is useless on the server. Herb runs don’t make enough GP to be worthwhile and training farming has such massive exp drops from trees that it’s not really worth doing. Hespori also provides another way to get the farming pet besides doing farming runs which is nice for people who are interested. The pet chance is calculated in OSRS the same way as most other skilling pets are even as a Hespori boss drop, using the formula the standard skilling pet formula, which equates to a drop rate of 1 out of 5,375 at level 65 farming (earliest you can fight Hespori) and 1 out of 4,525 at level 99 farming. Magic secateurs could also be a unique drop from hespori as they increase farming yield which is somewhat useful. Herb sack may also be a good unique drop to add. Clue scrolls would be another great add to the drop table at a similar rate to Skotizo drops.

    Overall I think the quality and quantity of seeds being increased so that the GP earned per KC is more on par with other activities would be a great add to the server.
    Seems like a decent idea, id have the seeds act almost as keys to unlock the boss like skotizo and the teleport take you outside of the room

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    Seems like a decent idea, id have the seeds act almost as keys to unlock the boss like skotizo and the teleport take you outside of the room
    Yeah thats what I was thinking in an ideal scenario

  5. Offline
    Mar 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by PetRat View Post
    Yeah thats what I was thinking in an ideal scenario
    Petrat? More like petnewstaff

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