1. Tournament Point System And Rewards  - 09-26-2019 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    In the near future (ideally this weekend), I'd like to introduce a point system to tournaments. The point system will work the same as old school's last man standing point system.

    • 1st place - 5 points
    • 2nd place - 4 points
    • 3rd/4th place - 3 points
    • 5th-9th place - 2 points
    • 10th-19th place - 1 point

    I'd also like to add the LMS rewards to a tournament point shop. However, since tournaments run every two hours instead of constantly like OSRS, it's harder to just use their exact shop prices because collecting points here will take longer.

    The current items/prices in old school are as follows:

    I'm looking for suggestions on how much I should tweak these prices for BattleScape.

    Less set in stone is also adding the gauntlet rewards to the tournament rewards. These include items such as crystal armour/weapon seeds, blade of saeldor (bis slash), and youngllef (pet). Whether these should be added this way I'd like to hear your feedback on, and I'd also appreciate feedback on how much points these items should cost. With the pet, deciding a drop rate based on either just participating (possibly with the position at the end improving your odds) or only the winner has a chance is also needed.

  2. Offline
    Nov 2018
    I like this idea! Would the point system and potential pet / crystal armour drop rate be included in custom made tournies? As these are very popular when the staff are hosting them and generally get a lot of people getting involved. (im not sure if rainbow phat drop is currently in the custom made tournies)

    Shouts out Kn1ght, aussienooble, iron mate <3

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    5 pts for participating
    10-15 for reaching the last round (losing)
    and 25-30 points for winning

  4. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Blade of saeldor etc. should definitely be added too. LMS rewards are very weak in osrs and that's the reason why it's slowly dying.

    -Deadman armour & swift blade are only cosmetics.
    -Guthixian icon somewhat useful for autocasting claws of guthix, but mainly cosmetic. (Only useful in ma2 minigame)
    -Trouver parchment is most useful purchase if you make untradeables lost +20 wilderness.
    -Wilderness crab teleport is useful quick teleport method to venenatis & callisto.
    -Halos are only useful for pures

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2018
    Holy shit thats the shittiest items i ever seen, can you just fucking add the items from bm shop or fuck off?

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