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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    Lol since when was it an overseers job to pull players? I thought they were supposed to help people in game.
    It's not their job, but there's countless amounts of applications I see which state that they want to help the growth of the server but do not do anything about it once promoted. Tournemants? Sure, but what Trick has done is actually advertise those tournaments successfully. For him to come as non-staff and have a rank specifically made for him, it says a lot about his dedication to this server so at some point he should be respected for that at least in the slightest is my point. He has helped more than staff, which isn't a common thing to do,

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    We had growth before Trick, it died to a lack of updates. Do you understand what an overseer is dip shit? joke calm down

    I didn't know about this until Trick announced it, when he did I laughed at the whole not effecting battlescape thing... Same was said on the launch of Scapewars. That being said with Miika joining in, who knows.
    The new server is a grey area for me and quite frankly I do not care for it.

    Claims that it's not related to battle-scape yet uses our forums and discord to advertise it and has 2 existing admins also running it, with Palidino coding it. I don't see how it's not related when the head admins for that server are also admins here. Conflict of interest.

    I agree with you and yes we had growth before trick and we will have growth after trick too, but his push did more than anyone I can remember in at least the past 12 months to help the server's growth if you exclude Palidino's activity.
    Last edited by London; 05-21-2019 at 02:53 PM.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    We had growth before Trick, it died to a lack of updates. Do you understand what an overseer is dip shit? joke calm down

    I didn't know about this until Trick announced it, when he did I laughed at the whole not effecting battlescape thing... Same was said on the launch of Scapewars. That being said with Miika joining in, who knows.

    ^^^^^^^ This <3

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    Senior Member
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by bill pierce View Post
    if i were given a chance to run this server i could fix all these problems
    lmfao f***ing bill pierce

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Trick View Post
    “Failed ad manager”

    OS-RSPS, 600+
    OS-Unity, 150+
    OS-Frantic 200+
    Emulous, 350+

    That’s only a few things I’ve worked on in the past 6 years or so

    If I’m so bad at it, I would love to know why the servers actually get populated. Oh, btw - the reason BS will never grow is because of the bad reputation that it holds and the fact that literally no one wants to grind for stats or basic gear besides clueless children like you. If you really want to slave your time away, go to OSRS. You can do it there since you love it so much.
    bad reputation you say? You mean the bad rep that just happens to originate from exactly this type of shit decisions like starting a new server alongside the main one that still has ways to go before anyone would consider it to be finished. This has been done countless times in the past and always had the same result. this is not gonna be any different so what wil happen, cant host both servers cuz not enough players money w/e. vote which server remains which will probably be the newer one so this one gets canned and you're stuck at where this game is right now and has been for years.

    Even you believe BS is never going to grow because of it. so what exactly are you gonna do about it. why is this time going to be different?
    Last edited by by the sword; 05-22-2019 at 08:16 AM.

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    Junior Member
    May 2019
    Wasn't gunna bother commenting but here we are. The servers Trick mentioned I've never heard of in my life, left the RSPS scene a couple years back after OSRS was released, they all started to die out. But from my previous 10+ years of being around the RSPS community I would estimate on average spawn servers die much much quicker than eco servers, spawn servers are complete shite and garbage of all PS's. People think they want spawn servers because it's easy, you just log in set your stats spawn your shit and go PK, no. If I wanted to just PK I'd go to OSRS. The grind for combat stats isn't even long on here, and PKing has value when you kill someone with items you don't have rather than being able to spawn 90% of them which would just make any kill boring and worthless. I've only been on here a couple days and whilst there are plenty of problems or things that could do with changing, it's still a decent server I don't understand why it's pop would be so bad, not blaming Trick I don't know the guy, but somethings not right.

    tl;dr: Spawn servers are shit quick example: Long time ago server called Fire-PK daily average 150-300 players online always top 10 runelocus, one day he's like nah the people definitely want a spawn server! resets the eco server, loses 70% of the playerbase, make spawn server: barely 50 players online. Dead for the last 4 years. People don't want spawn servers, not people that play continuously and the ones that are do are already on one.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    It's Trick's job to make people join, it's Palidino's job to make the server enjoyable enough to play. Once you all come to realize that you'll ease off him a little.

    Stop holding him solely accountable when this decision isn't all down to Trick, and if it were, tell me why there's 2 admins and the dev himself who are happy to go along with this.

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    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    It's Trick's job to make people join, it's Palidino's job to make the server enjoyable enough to play. Once you all come to realize that you'll ease off him a little.

    Stop holding him solely accountable when this decision isn't all down to Trick, and if it were, tell me why there's 2 admins and the dev himself who are happy to go along with this.
    probably cause they're all dumb as fuck lol

    At the end of the day it's still working for someone for free while that someone is reaping all the benefits and money from the business.

    No server Palidino ever makes in his life will ever be successful again because all of his previous success was due to some sort of innovation at the time and dumb luck.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Skittle View Post
    Wasn't gunna bother commenting but here we are. The servers Trick mentioned I've never heard of in my life, left the RSPS scene a couple years back after OSRS was released, they all started to die out. But from my previous 10+ years of being around the RSPS community I would estimate on average spawn servers die much much quicker than eco servers, spawn servers are complete shite and garbage of all PS's. People think they want spawn servers because it's easy, you just log in set your stats spawn your shit and go PK, no. If I wanted to just PK I'd go to OSRS. The grind for combat stats isn't even long on here, and PKing has value when you kill someone with items you don't have rather than being able to spawn 90% of them which would just make any kill boring and worthless. I've only been on here a couple days and whilst there are plenty of problems or things that could do with changing, it's still a decent server I don't understand why it's pop would be so bad, not blaming Trick I don't know the guy, but somethings not right.

    tl;dr: Spawn servers are shit quick example: Long time ago server called Fire-PK daily average 150-300 players online always top 10 runelocus, one day he's like nah the people definitely want a spawn server! resets the eco server, loses 70% of the playerbase, make spawn server: barely 50 players online. Dead for the last 4 years. People don't want spawn servers, not people that play continuously and the ones that are do are already on one.
    1. the servers he stated were relatively big back then.
    2. spawn servers will NOT die, if the game is coded properly. If there is a lack of updates (like most pk servers), or the server is just trash in general, then yes, it will die.
    3. The example u stated is irrelevant. Battlescape is already dead and he's trying to revive it again by launching a pk server. I'm not saying this is the correct way to counter the lack of players, but I do know that current bs will remain dead and won't reach 150+ again.
    Last edited by sharingan; 05-22-2019 at 04:45 PM.

  9. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Terror View Post
    probably cause they're all dumb as fuck lol

    At the end of the day it's still working for someone for free while that someone is reaping all the benefits and money from the business.

    No server Palidino ever makes in his life will ever be successful again because all of his previous success was due to some sort of innovation at the time and dumb luck.
    Not sure you're aware but I believe Trick has been paid for doing this advertising work...

  10. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    Not sure you're aware but I believe Trick has been paid for doing this advertising work...
    I mean that still means the admins haven't been paid anything lol

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