1. Wilderness Slayer Combat Level Reduction.  - 04-29-2019 #1

    Apr 2019

    I think the wilderness combat level resctriction was due to emblems being traded in for blood money too quickly, however now that t1's don't exchange for bm, would it be possible to have the combat level for wilderness slayer reduced? Potentially to 70?
    I know it's very niche but some builds don't reach 80 combat, and if they do they're already near maxed. Even if some accounts get the slayer level to kill the creature they can't be assigned it.
    I know this is a QOL to appease the few but it would really be appreciated.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Slab View Post

    I think the wilderness combat level resctriction was due to emblems being traded in for blood money too quickly, however now that t1's don't exchange for bm, would it be possible to have the combat level for wilderness slayer reduced? Potentially to 70?
    I know it's very niche but some builds don't reach 80 combat, and if they do they're already near maxed. Even if some accounts get the slayer level to kill the creature they can't be assigned it.
    I know this is a QOL to appease the few but it would really be appreciated.

    From Pali "Palidino Today at 8:11 PM
    There's a combat level limit because otherwise it would be too easy for people to make lower level accounts to take advantage of the drops with way less potential to be pked
    wildy slayer I mean
    while the idea of different builds in the wild is nice, we don't have the pkers/players for it
    as it is, 80 combat min is pretty low
    given most players are maxed, using a pure at 80ish combat would probably let you avoid the majority of pkers who I imagine are mostly maxed"

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    Senior Moderator
    Oct 2016
    This would definitely be nice, as 70 combat isn't too crazy a stretch to ask for. Given people would make a lower level then grind wildy slayer which in turn would give incentive for other players to make a low level pking account to kill said low leveled wildy slayers. As someone who actually goes into the wilderness often to kill callisto (with a 99 combat account) I rarely get attacked anyways, and if I do get a targ I usually instantly log out to skip the target. Maybe if you were asking for like 40 combat or something I'd be a bit hesitant, but as this seems reasonable I don't see why not.

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    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Bud View Post
    This would definitely be nice, as 70 combat isn't too crazy a stretch to ask for. Given people would make a lower level then grind wildy slayer which in turn would give incentive for other players to make a low level pking account to kill said low leveled wildy slayers. As someone who actually goes into the wilderness often to kill callisto (with a 99 combat account) I rarely get attacked anyways, and if I do get a targ I usually instantly log out to skip the target. Maybe if you were asking for like 40 combat or something I'd be a bit hesitant, but as this seems reasonable I don't see why not.
    Slayer before 75 combat is brutal, all you get assigned are pyrefiends, cockatrices, kalphite (which are actually nice to barrage) and rock slugs etc. I appreciate the support.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Added lower slayer level requirements last update enjoy

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