1. Wilderness + Others Suggestions  - 03-01-2018 #1

    Jun 2017
    Hey all,

    I'm sure we all know how the wilderness is by now. Dead, there's really only 15 people max who pk often and all at different times, so pvmers sorry if you now realize why we attack. These are a few suggestions I have:

    1. Add wilderness events held by mods once or twice a week? HP event where a mod has 10k HP and we all pile him in deep multi wild, and when the mod is finally killed he loses an inventory of stuff (you decide what stuff as Ik it can ruin eco). Also let it yell who got the kill so it becomes a huge bloodbattle to loot items.

    2. Add bloodkey event so that whoever loots the key is automatically skulled and can be multi attacked anywhere in wild (so edge becomes multi only for them, etc). Multi also helps stop the player from boxing a friend back to escape. Reward can be like 25k bm + a random chance at bm shop items or maybe 10k bm and random item in game excluding raid items/Corp items? Maybe once every 3 hours for bloodkey. Give us an option to teleport to the key holder as well so it really takes skill to escape.
    EDIT: make bloodkey randomly spawn at rogues castle, chaos temple, alter near kbd lair, lava maze near the demons, spots that are hard to escape. Automatically teleblock the player for 15 minutes so only way out is border and allow them to not be able to log out for 60 seconds if they try to, xlog included. If a keyholder dies, let the game yell who picks it up and put a target on their dot on minimap.

    3. Ability to swap rigour and augury prayers. I've been pking for 6 years and I'm so used to eagle eye and mystic might that I don't really think about it at this point I just switch to them from instinct. I'd really prioritize this as I cant see it being that difficult, just the ability to put eagle eye and mystic might in the place of augury and rigour, and vice versa.

    4. NERF MAGIC ACCURACY. People do not miss freezes no matter what gear. Me and my friend went pking yesterday and he was tbing people in dhide. He literally said screw robes and used dhide to tb people and it worked everytime. I always hit with magic and RARELY splash. This needs to be fixed it's really broke.

    5. Remove the 2 minute return timer? I understand ragging is an issue but I think if you die you should be able to return fast rather than 2 minutes later, it really makes the rush of pking and getting back to help die off. Maybe make some forms of ragging bannable in all wild? Like rune/cbow, crystal bow 1 item, etc.? The 2 minute timer also stops wars because whoever gets koed first is a disadvantaged for those 2 minutes which is all it takes to lose.

    6 (maybe). Allow players to be able to jump the Rev cave agil courses without level requirement. I understand people grinded hours on hours for 89 agil to use the shortcut escapes, but most pkers don't want to train agil. I personally don't mind but this is for the greater good so I can't leave it out although I know it will be shot down.

    7. Maybe also remove raid items from shop and leave them chaos elemental accessible only? Chaos ele is perfect for the wild and should remain untouched until the release of raids, in which remove raid drops from it. Fix chaos ele BUG. If someone lures it to single wilderness and attacks it, no one can attack the player or the chaos ele. A few spots this works at are the lava maze chaos ele spawn and the kbd gates spawn. It gives a player free ele kill and no one can pj them or anything.

    TL;DR wilderness events held by mods, bloodykey event every 3hrs, swap rigour and augury prayer slots with mystic might and eagle eye, nerf magic rarely splash, no agil lvl req for revs, make chaos ele drop raid items remove from shop, fix bugged chaos ele spots.

    These are just suggestions and I'm interested in what you all have to say about them. Thanks for reading and let's hope some of these can be implemented!

    Last edited by m4g3; 03-01-2018 at 11:42 AM.

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    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by m4g3 View Post
    Hey all,

    I'm sure we all know how the wilderness is by now. Dead, there's really only 15 people max who pk often and all at different times, so pvmers sorry if you now realize why we attack. These are a few suggestions I have:

    1. Add wilderness events held by mods once or twice a week? HP event where a mod has 10k HP and we all pile him in deep multi wild, and when the mod is finally killed he loses an inventory of stuff (you decide what stuff as Ik it can ruin eco). Also let it yell who got the kill so it becomes a huge bloodbattle to loot items.

    2. Add bloodkey event so that whoever loots the key is automatically skulled and can be multi attacked anywhere in wild (so edge becomes multi only for them, etc). Multi also helps stop the player from boxing a friend back to escape. Reward can be like 25k bm + a random chance at bm shop items or maybe 10k bm and random item in game excluding raid items/Corp items? Maybe once every 3 hours for bloodkey. Give us an option to teleport to the key holder as well so it really takes skill to escape.
    EDIT: make bloodkey randomly spawn at rogues castle, chaos temple, alter near kbd lair, lava maze near the demons, spots that are hard to escape. Automatically teleblock the player for 15 minutes so only way out is border and allow them to not be able to log out for 60 seconds if they try to, xlog included. If a keyholder dies, let the game yell who picks it up and put a target on their dot on minimap.

    3. Ability to swap rigour and augury prayers. I've been pking for 6 years and I'm so used to eagle eye and mystic might that I don't really think about it at this point I just switch to them from instinct. I'd really prioritize this as I cant see it being that difficult, just the ability to put eagle eye and mystic might in the place of augury and rigour, and vice versa.

    4. NERF MAGIC ACCURACY. People do not miss freezes no matter what gear. Me and my friend went pking yesterday and he was tbing people in dhide. He literally said screw robes and used dhide to tb people and it worked everytime. I always hit with magic and RARELY splash. This needs to be fixed it's really broke.

    5. Remove the 2 minute return timer? I understand ragging is an issue but I think if you die you should be able to return fast rather than 2 minutes later, it really makes the rush of pking and getting back to help die off. Maybe make some forms of ragging bannable in all wild? Like rune/cbow, crystal bow 1 item, etc.? The 2 minute timer also stops wars because whoever gets koed first is a disadvantaged for those 2 minutes which is all it takes to lose.

    6 (maybe). Allow players to be able to jump the Rev cave agil courses without level requirement. I understand people grinded hours on hours for 89 agil to use the shortcut escapes, but most pkers don't want to train agil. I personally don't mind but this is for the greater good so I can't leave it out although I know it will be shot down.

    7. Maybe also remove raid items from shop and leave them chaos elemental accessible only? Chaos ele is perfect for the wild and should remain untouched until the release of raids, in which remove raid drops from it. Fix chaos ele BUG. If someone lures it to single wilderness and attacks it, no one can attack the player or the chaos ele. A few spots this works at are the lava maze chaos ele spawn and the kbd gates spawn. It gives a player free ele kill and no one can pj them or anything.

    These are just suggestions and I'm interested in what you all have to say about them. Thanks for reading and let's hope some of these can be implemented!

    Can you please attach a TL;DR? I don't have all day to read battlescape posts

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    Jun 2017
    Added tldr, do not comment until you read the reasoning/actual post for which one your commenting on rather than just looking at the tldr please and ty

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m4g3 View Post
    Hey all,
    TL;DR wilderness events held by mods, bloodykey event every 3hrs, swap rigour and augury prayer slots with mystic might and eagle eye, nerf magic rarely splash, no agil lvl req for revs, make chaos ele drop raid items remove from shop, fix bugged chaos ele spots.
    I'll give my opinion on each of them:
    Wildy events sounds allright, we have had a almost weekly pvp tournament a while ago but due to lack of interest we stopped hosting them (https://www.battle-scape.com/threads...PVP-tournament)

    Isnt bloodkey kind of the same as ELE? both attracts people there, both brings risk for reward.

    Pretty sure pali said that the ability to change the prayers is not possible due to engine work? Not sure how OSbuddy does it exactly. If it can be done would be nice.

    Magic is a joke in general, needs major work.

    Keep agility req for revs, you can always get there via the northern entrance. Having the agility level for the jumps is just an advantage if you want to escape and have the level.

    Not sure what will happen with raids items in general as we will have full raids one day soon.

    Chaos ele in singles has a damage cap i think. That combined with the fact ele hits pretty hard makes it hard to kill it in singles i feel like. I speak with 500 ele KC experience on ele so i have seen all scenario's. It also teleports back to its original location if tried to lure to far, think that solves all problems?

  5. Offline
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    I'll give my opinion on each of them:
    Wildy events sounds allright, we have had a almost weekly pvp tournament a while ago but due to lack of interest we stopped hosting them (https://www.battle-scape.com/threads...PVP-tournament)

    Isnt bloodkey kind of the same as ELE? both attracts people there, both brings risk for reward.

    Pretty sure pali said that the ability to change the prayers is not possible due to engine work? Not sure how OSbuddy does it exactly. If it can be done would be nice.

    Magic is a joke in general, needs major work.

    Keep agility req for revs, you can always get there via the northern entrance. Having the agility level for the jumps is just an advantage if you want to escape and have the level.

    Not sure what will happen with raids items in general as we will have full raids one day soon.

    Chaos ele in singles has a damage cap i think. That combined with the fact ele hits pretty hard makes it hard to kill it in singles i feel like. I speak with 500 ele KC experience on ele so i have seen all scenario's. It also teleports back to its original location if tried to lure to far, think that solves all problems?
    Bloody key would bring more interest just for variety, magic is a joke needs work agreed. I think pray swap can happen with work (speaking out my ass sorry for langauge) because alot of rsps have it. Hp event for activity and overall fun, and I'd say alright on the agil, I know it'll be ignored as obviously ppl grinded for 89.

  6. Offline
    Dec 2017
    "6 (maybe). Allow players to be able to jump the Rev cave agil courses without level requirement. I understand people grinded hours on hours for 89 agil to use the shortcut escapes, but most pkers don't want to train agil. I personally don't mind but this is for the greater good so I can't leave it out although I know it will be shot down."

    Nuuu it saved me many times,

    To be honest, i kinda support the rest of your ideas.

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    Sep 2017
    Like Tim said, We tried basically once a week to host PVP Tournaments but if you did anything more than a couple mill risk nobody joined. We would try and make a prize pool but out of 16+ people per tournament only a handful would add to the prize pool at all.

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    Jan 2017
    1. Once in a week would sound great, even once in a 2 weeks would be good. About what kind of events, should be discussed more

    2. This could be implemented, but to be only spawned in peak times so there would be lots of people going for it.

    3. I used to have the same problem, but got used to it. The one thing I like about the server is that there is no OSB features, like; special attack orbs, freezetimers etc.
    Adding the ability to switch the prayer locations wouldn't be bad, but it would change the idea of the server. I'm kind of 50/50 with this.

    4. I think there's multiple bug reports of this.

    5. The return timer is really necessary to have in here, because unlike in OSRS we have various teleportation locations that can be instantly accessed by the wizard.
    If you're in a multi war, people who died would just come back instantly. I think loadouts should have 5 minute cooldown timer upon death also.

    6. I think it's a good benefit for those who have given the effort to train the skill. No support.

    7. RAIDS are going to be fully added in near future and most likely the raid items will be removed from the shop and the ele.

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    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    the wildy does need to have more attraction to it. lets all take a minuet and ask our selfs what brought you to a private server to start with?
    pking....skilling and pvm? maybe you should be playing actual osrs... pvp is the main reason why players play private servers. but when we are not pking and grinding for them good items you can not buy from pvp shops you gotta do slayer. the pvm on this server is beyond any other server out there it is on point. one thing and the major key to any server is focusing on the wildy. movements is on point the glitches really are not there. as for mage i can be maxxed range gear and still land a 30 with barrage, thats is very unlikely in osrs, or any other server for in that matter. The AGS is wayy over powered you have a 98% chance of max hit every time. that is not good so that makes it the on demand weapon and Elite over any other Weapon in game. Makes people not want to pk knowing under 82hp you can be stacked at any time with a ags.

    1. Events in the wildy is a very good idea.
    2. We need a Better PK Shop For Items you can only obtain within pking and points (blood money) , more of a selection for all (pures,hybrids,mains) Even if you have to make a few custom items for each.
    3.If we Cant use Teleports in our spell book make them into a new spell or a working pking teleport on ancients.
    4.PvP dont only land for pking,duel arena,or Clan Wars, Bring Castle Wars Back! Custom Rewards With Tokens/Tickets Earned. Make The Grind Worth it.
    5.Max Capes Should Be Rewarding other then knowing every skill is maxxed out, Lets See a New Weapon,Armor.ect, Make the Grind Count.
    6.Highscores is for all players IM,HCIM,Normal. anyone else think irons and hardcore irons deserve their own highscores?
    and 7. ive had this talk on discord voice chat with many, and ingame with many. DEAD MAN MODE. New World With Dead Man Mode. F2p (normal no reward) p2p(10$ entry fee)
    Deadman Mode 317 style for first week then release whips and final week you get god swords.ect change it up. No server out there has their main content and a Seasonal DeadMan Mode, yes would be 2 vps but in the end pay off, would be a giant attraction to Battlescape.

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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    I'll give my opinion on each of them:
    Wildy events sounds allright, we have had a almost weekly pvp tournament a while ago but due to lack of interest we stopped hosting them (https://www.battle-scape.com/threads...PVP-tournament)

    Isnt bloodkey kind of the same as ELE? both attracts people there, both brings risk for reward.

    Pretty sure pali said that the ability to change the prayers is not possible due to engine work? Not sure how OSbuddy does it exactly. If it can be done would be nice.

    Magic is a joke in general, needs major work.

    Keep agility req for revs, you can always get there via the northern entrance. Having the agility level for the jumps is just an advantage if you want to escape and have the level.

    Not sure what will happen with raids items in general as we will have full raids one day soon.

    Chaos ele in singles has a damage cap i think. That combined with the fact ele hits pretty hard makes it hard to kill it in singles i feel like. I speak with 500 ele KC experience on ele so i have seen all scenario's. It also teleports back to its original location if tried to lure to far, think that solves all problems?
    The creator of OSBuddy is an Ex-Jagex Mod. He knows how to modify the Client with ease.

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