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    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    First of all, I would appreciate feedback from you, Pali. The server has a low amount of players at the moment and an even lower amount of players making forum threads, so I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to take a couple minutes out of your time to give your take on the situation.

    This server has:

    - A good staking system compared to your previous servers.

    - A good pvp system. Everything seem to flow like it should.

    This server lacks:

    - A good economy where cash and items are actually worth something. Once again we have a server where cash is too easy to obtain and so are items. I understand that you want people to be able to fight other players fast but this just takes the fun out of the game. No one picks items up anymore when they kill someone unless it's worth the price of barrows+.

    - Overall content. The server gets boring after a day due to the fact that you can max out and get the best items very quickly. This is a fact. The only people still having fun are the stakers and the hardcore pvmers.

    - Pvp activity. What are the best ingame items good for when you cant pk? Show off? This is perhaps the biggest issue.

    - Skills. Dragon bolts, rune arrows (p++), sharks and so forth should all be items obtained from skilling. It would be cool to have a server where the players provide the items. This creates content and value to the game.

    The days of having 1000+ players by creating a half assed server are long gone. This is not 2010. There are far greater and better games than runescape related servers + we now actually have old school rs as well. You should try to sort out the issues that i mentioned above because they do indeed exist.
    Last edited by The Masque; 01-27-2017 at 06:29 AM.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    lacks mods that actually respect the community

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    If you could only get sharks through skilling the wilderness would be completely dead, may as well just delete it at that point. But I agree some things do need to be changed in relation to the economy and content. I've played for just under a month and there's nothing to do anymore.

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    Some good points in your post. There needs to be a balance in the server in terms of being able to PK relatively quickly, but also having incentives for people to grind things out for a sense of achievement. Currently, the economy has a large surplus of items coming in from boss drops. This is reflected in the massive price drops in popular items. I think the best way to tackle the issue is to remove coin drops, remove additional player drops from bosses, reset the economy, create more cash sinks in the form of degradable armour and weapons/, skills that require items, other incentives (alternate spawns/alternate teleports that allow access to restricted areas etc.) and so on. Combat exp should not be changed as there's no point in doing so. Boss pets, new bosses, new mini games, and things like achievement diaries could add new aspects to the game that would keep it fresh.

    Wrote this on my phone so it might be half-assed. Will post more later.

  5. Offline
    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    This is the plan for the future of the server, hopefully soon enough.

  6. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Khattrisha View Post
    lacks mods that actually respect the community
    Respect the rules lmao

  7. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    Respect the rules lmao
    Lmao tell em boy

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    A low amount of players? You have been around on and off for the last year and a half, right? The 742 struggled to peak 30, and the OSRS server peaked 30 for almost a month and then shot up to 150 (peaking 200-280 during the weekend). I'd say player wise, we're doing extremely well. We might not be peaking 100 more players every week or anything dramatic like that, but we're doing plenty fine.

    "- A good economy where cash and items are actually worth something. Once again we have a server where cash is too easy to obtain and so are items. I understand that you want people to be able to fight other players fast but this just takes the fun out of the game. No one picks items up anymore when they kill someone unless it's worth the price of barrows+."

    Did I miss where items have been flowing enough that the wilderness is finally starting to pick up? Last I checked, Edgeville is nearly always dead (since release).

    "- Overall content. The server gets boring after a day due to the fact that you can max out and get the best items very quickly. This is a fact. The only people still having fun are the stakers and the hardcore pvmers."

    We're only missing a few bosses and skills. There are two actually maxed players.

    "- Skills. Dragon bolts, rune arrows (p++), sharks and so forth should all be items obtained from skilling. It would be cool to have a server where the players provide the items. This creates content and value to the game. "

    Not sure why people think a RSPS where something like sharks have to worked for could be a good idea. Are there any successful servers where skilling is the only way to go about basic supplies like sharks?

  9. Offline
    Oct 2016
    This game is never going to be what it was, plain and simple. Play it for what it is or don't.

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    Did I miss where items have been flowing enough that the wilderness is finally starting to pick up? Last I checked, Edgeville is nearly always dead (since release).

    The lack of pking activity is not due to the lack of overall items if that is what you are implying. Items such as obby shield, obby maul, granite maul, dragon 2h, dragon platelegs and overall dragon armour, d bolts, d arrows, i would even go so far to say that super combat pots should NOT be in the stores if we have herblore. These should be player made and player obtained in my opinion.

    We're only missing a few bosses and skills. There are two actually maxed players.

    Dont think that the lack of maxed players are due to the fact that we have content. That is just silly. The reason why no one max out their accounts is due to the fact that it's simply not worth it at this point. The server has little to no worth what so ever at this point. Worth comes when ingame items and wealth is actually meaningful and that comes from a proper economy.

    "- Skills. Dragon bolts, rune arrows (p++), sharks and so forth should all be items obtained from skilling. It would be cool to have a server where the players provide the items. This creates content and value to the game. "

    Not sure why people think a RSPS where something like sharks have to worked for could be a good idea. Are there any successful servers where skilling is the only way to go about basic supplies like sharks?

    Skilling does not have to be the only way to obtain sharks. You can always make the shop sell them in limits. You are simply not thinking outside of the box.

    Honestly, I really doubt that you are playing your own server. This is something which most players can feel when playing. It is very obvious that you dont give a crap about the quality of the gameplay. All you seem to care about at this point is that people vote to gain more players and make the server easy so little kids dont quit. Overall what you really want is that people buy bonds. I am not really stressed about it as I barely play anymore, but you should atleast try to be a little creative when trying to solve obvious issues.
    Last edited by The Masque; 01-28-2017 at 08:56 AM.

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