1. Offline
    Jul 2017
    Lack of advertising, contact a youtuber or some shit, runelocus rank twenty-something wont cut it.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    i dont like how the wilderness is controlled by a group of 6 people, clanlife lowlifes that rag people bossing ect

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    I play Osrs but iv always preferred Battlescape's combat system over Runescape there's nothing wrong with the combat system.

    BUT THE PROBLEM IS ( PVMERS/SKILLERS are the players that have been keeping this game afloat which makes it hard to make Pking active )

    So what about implementing something in Pking that can give Rookie Pkers a slight chance of a valuable item, I'm not talking Embs or BM but more along the lines of (For example) Old PVP/BH with the chance of a unique VLS drop and so on but along with the loot from the player you've just killed. ( If that's possible to even implement ). It will give people that momentum to go and pk knowing they have a chance of a rare item what ever the items would be. Just a thought. Somewhere along them lines of thinking anyway.

  4. Offline
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by danny raggs View Post
    I play Osrs but iv always preferred Battlescape's combat system over Runescape there's nothing wrong with the combat system.

  5. Offline
    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    i dont like onyx.

    on a serious note, i pretty much like everything about the server. its nice and i enjoy playing it. if i didnt have fun i woudnt play.

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2017
    I don't like how hard it is to make money on ironman,specially since we have to really grind everything. Thieving is great except the fact most of the time you just get stunned by them even when you are behind them aswell as it takes a couple mins just to get a whole inv and once you sell it it gives you less then 50k (and 50k is a 85+ thiev level).

  7. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Everything is pretty much fine to me. Except people, but you can't do much about that.

  8. Offline
    The best Bob
    Jan 2017
    minigames involving the community would be pretty cool
    Adding the wilderness gwd for room keys might add more activity

    don't like the mass amount of end game items in game ( Ancestral, Bandos, Godswords, Twisted Bows ) that sort of thing. it's kinda late for the GWD items to be decreased but for raid items i think they should have been kept at their original boss point values

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jun 2017
    the dupeing or however u spell it

  10. Offline
    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    1. No Zombies Minigame
    2. Potion Prices need to be lowered (exclude Super Combat)
    3. No KQ or Kraken Boss
    4. Finish the dang Emotes

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