I'm down to take the torch from brooksy and keep making occasional duel arena tournaments. The question is - which ones you prefer?
For now I'll settle with DH vs Rune for the first tournament with the main argument for "rune" being that it's a bit less rng based than DH and it's cheaper, allowing newer players to participate.

I will be excluding nh tournaments for now due to the low amount of players being able to nh/hybrid fight + the huge skill disparity, which would make the tournament less exciting.

If you have any other suggestions about what tournaments you would like to see, please post your thoughts.

By rune, I mean this set-up. Bring, prims and torture can be provided, unless a lot of new players show up and in that case we can just swap them out to the basic dboots/glory/recoil.

Also, I would like an admin to add a "Tournament" sub-forum under the "Official" section and giving me and Brooksy access to it (if he's still interested to make tournaments in the future).