
- Dragonfire Shield Charging and Special Attack.
- Vengeance Other
- Sanfew Serums ( Don't need to explain more.

Thessalia Shop Additions

- Flippers (ItemID: 6666)
- Pirate Bandanas (Click Spoiler for Item IDs.)

Spoiler for ItemIDs:
7112 Pirate bandana
7113 Pirate bandana (Noted)
7124 Pirate bandana
7125 Pirate bandana (Noted)
7130 Pirate bandana
7131 Pirate bandana (Noted)
7136 Pirate bandana
7137 Pirate bandana (Noted)

Hardcore Legends Guild Shop
- Remove attack potions.
- Add Regular Combat Potions to the shop and make them work. (Just Regular Attack & Strength Potion together)