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    Junior Member
    Aug 2018
    we are getting so many useless herbs like guam, tarromin, harrlender and marrentil they r so common I did like a whole task of certain npc I only received like 2 diff herbs the rest r these useless 4 types of herbs I hope you guys make them rare or remove them from drop table or just add them in shop ppl will just use them to lvl up for the useful herbs no1 will ever use them, atm im camping abrrent spec on my ironman for herbs cuz im out of pots and I have like 2k+ each of the useless herbs its annoying that they r part of the member benfits tbh its a waste I hope u remove it and increase the other good herbs rate

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    On an ironman, I'd suggest using the low level herbs until you're 99 herblore (you're 17m slayer with 81 herblore, yikes). The herb drops are pretty well balanced, thats just how it works on this game.

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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
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    Kill Deviant Spectres for good herbs.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Kill Deviant Spectres for good herbs.
    He killed them for a couple of hours and got very few useable ones in that time. He wants higher levels ones to use to boss with. I am struggling as well keeping enough to make pray renewals, restores and brews for my hc. It seems the herb drop for higher levels is not as good as before and keys are not giving as many. Maybe Pali can check it Or at least allow for toggling the row to only pick up custom ones maybe? Doing slayer and having row pick up low levels can drain it pretty fast.

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    Junior Member
    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    He killed them for a couple of hours and got very few useable ones in that time. He wants higher levels ones to use to boss with. I am struggling as well keeping enough to make pray renewals, restores and brews for my hc. It seems the herb drop for higher levels is not as good as before and keys are not giving as many. Maybe Pali can check it Or at least allow for toggling the row to only pick up custom ones maybe? Doing slayer and having row pick up low levels can drain it pretty fast.
    i found slayer was able to sustain my potion usage if not id be slightly negative on the overall usage. Thats just for using potions for slayer itself. If you supplement this with herb boxes, you profit herbs at an insane rate so its not really an issue. voting for 1 day and using the votes on herb boxes gives you about 2-3 days of potions depending on how fast you go through them.

  6. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    He killed them for a couple of hours and got very few useable ones in that time. He wants higher levels ones to use to boss with. I am struggling as well keeping enough to make pray renewals, restores and brews for my hc. It seems the herb drop for higher levels is not as good as before and keys are not giving as many. Maybe Pali can check it Or at least allow for toggling the row to only pick up custom ones maybe? Doing slayer and having row pick up low levels can drain it pretty fast.
    Wtf you need restores/brews for? You cant afford to risk going against above level 80 npc if you want to keep your hcim lmao.

    Herbs wont be changed, sorry.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdick rick View Post
    i found slayer was able to sustain my potion usage if not id be slightly negative on the overall usage. Thats just for using potions for slayer itself. If you supplement this with herb boxes, you profit herbs at an insane rate so its not really an issue. voting for 1 day and using the votes on herb boxes gives you about 2-3 days of potions depending on how fast you go through them.
    i only vote on my main unless i use my phone but its a pia. I only skill boss and do reg slayer and its more for fun so if i have to go kill low levels for herbs i will and do. i pay attn now to what drops them and the last 20 keys not one herb. a long time ago pali boosted the snaps in keys so hoping he will again Slow and steady on my hcim I dont even have gold on it lol.

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