1. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Ok so huge improvement on the raid, I did one quick raid with Tim.

    Noticed a few problems, When killing Tekton he didn't seem to go back to the anvil, Also after killing him I couldn't pick up the supplies he dropped.

    As far as the chest goes, you didn't need to build it with planks, it should be 4 planks for small chest, 8 for medium & 12 for large chest. We wasn't able to access the private storage to store our own gear and we also couldn't put any items into the shared storage.

    Huge improvement on the rest of the raid.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Indeed a huge improvement, we do need some changes but we are certainly getting there! Will do more testing later.

    Make dwh able to be used as a hammer for the storage

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    - Revitalisation pots dont give prayer points like they should
    - OVL cant be made
    - Storage doesnt work - only opens interface
    - Tekton is unable to be hit when it walks back to anvil - you should be able to hit him until he starts hammering the anvil.
    - Pots from boss room drops cant be picked up
    - Have to re-log to stop raid when completed
    - Raids only supplies such as seeds and secondary's should appear instantly to everyone when dropped by someone.
    - Mutadiles should drop full potions, just like Tekton does
    - This pool should give a run energy refill
    - Shaman aggro range should be a lot bigger
    - Shaman poison splats should have a bigger range
    - Reward points should be based on points gotten during raid, currently it says every player has same chance when it should be a higher chance on drop when having more points

    - Completing a raid should refill all drained stats/hp/pray etc
    Last edited by Tim; 01-20-2018 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Added more

  4. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Any more details in regards to Tekton not moving? If I'm not within distance of him/make me chase for too long/stand somewhere he can't reach, he returns to the anvil. If I don't make him attack from different sides he returns back too, and after a short period of time he's returning back for me too.

  5. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Small muttadile should drop 1 Prayer enhance & 1 Overload +, Large muttadile should drop 1 Prayer enhance, 1 Overload +, 1 Xerics aid, 1 Revitalisation.

    Pathing within Muttadile room is a problem, Muttadile gets glitched on the sides too often making it too easy to safespot.
    Last edited by Zhang Xiu; 01-20-2018 at 05:04 PM.

  6. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Any more details in regards to Tekton not moving? If I'm not within distance of him/make me chase for too long/stand somewhere he can't reach, he returns to the anvil. If I don't make him attack from different sides he returns back too, and after a short period of time he's returning back for me too.
    I was trying to explain this to Tim, Basically after the anvil phase, Tekton chooses a player at random as a target to move towards. If the player moves away from Tekton He'll go back to the anvil. I've done Tekton a few times, it seems that even if I go to attack him at the right time he goes back to the anvil. I think the problem is to do with pathing. "Dancing" has been a issue for a while now, When you go to attack an NPC you go into a dancing stance with the NPC if you get what i mean.

  7. Offline
    Dec 2017
    - Potions dropped from Vanguards was able to be picked up but when I tried to sip the Overload + It didn't work.

    - When Vasa teleports the player to the outside they should run into the middle with magic pray active. This should negate the damage which the person stuck in the middle receives. 3 times we've done vasa the person in the middle has received 99% of there HP in damage even though I've ran into the middle with magic prayer.

    - When vasa is moving from crystal to crystal it takes a brief 1-3 seconds pause in the middle of the room rather than moving straight to the next crystal.

    - On Osrs when attacking the crystal after a period of time if you don't kill the crystal in-time, It would take you back into the Teleport phase. (Normally it's between the 2nd to 4th crystal in which this happens.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Argurzil View Post
    I was trying to explain this to Tim, Basically after the anvil phase, Tekton chooses a player at random as a target to move towards. If the player moves away from Tekton He'll go back to the anvil. I've done Tekton a few times, it seems that even if I go to attack him at the right time he goes back to the anvil. I think the problem is to do with pathing. "Dancing" has been a issue for a while now, When you go to attack an NPC you go into a dancing stance with the NPC if you get what i mean.
    I noticed there's a spot north-east of him that registers as not in distance for some reason. So is the issue that tekton returns to the anvil too easily or that he doesn't return at all? I took your post as he's not returning to the anvil at all.

  9. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Earlier, we did a run of Tekton and he didn't go back to anvil for some reason it could have been we killed it too fast but i don't think so. Since i posted that we've done 2 more Tekton rooms & It was going back to Anvil too easily. Even though it was getting attacked on time it would return to Anvil.(It happened multiple times)

    Sorry if it wasn't clear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I noticed there's a spot north-east of him that registers as not in distance for some reason. So is the issue that tekton returns to the anvil too easily or that he doesn't return at all? I took your post as he's not returning to the anvil at all.
    Last edited by Zhang Xiu; 01-20-2018 at 05:30 PM.

  10. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Argurzil View Post
    - Potions dropped from Vanguards was able to be picked up but when I tried to sip the Overload + It didn't work.

    - When Vasa teleports the player to the outside they should run into the middle with magic pray active. This should negate the damage which the person stuck in the middle receives. 3 times we've done vasa the person in the middle has received 99% of there HP in damage even though I've ran into the middle with magic prayer.

    - When vasa is moving from crystal to crystal it takes a brief 1-3 seconds pause in the middle of the room rather than moving straight to the next crystal.

    - On Osrs when attacking the crystal after a period of time if you don't kill the crystal in-time, It would take you back into the Teleport phase. (Normally it's between the 2nd to 4th crystal in which this happens.
    I'm not sure I follow that last part. The time you have to kill the crystal is random and if you don't kill it on time, it should already go into the teleport phase.

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