1. Alfonso Boner Biters June MEGATHREAD  - 07-06-2017 #1

    Team Boner Biters were an illustrious clan during their reign on Runescape. Today, we bring to you the Boner Biters monthly owning thread of June. If met with good reception, we will be back next month with our July thread.

    Part One - Becoming the Boner Biters

    Obtaining the Boner Biters name was very difficult because it was not ours to take. In fact, we had to meet up with OG member duck sitting over lunch on teamspeak to discuss matters of passing down the Boner Biter name. After much reluctance, duck finally caved and passed the boner biter legacy into our tiny hands, meaning it was up to us to continue doing things "the boner biter way".

    You can find one of the original boner biter PK videos here:


    In one of them, the boner biters slay even the mighty Xx 0wn3ed XX, as seen here:

    Part Two - Requiem for the Dead

    Our journey begins with the player Gold. Upon our arrival to Battlescape, Gold was the best PK'er Battlescape had to offer. He had a huge killstreak, over 60 in fact, and was revered by the community as someone that could never die. He seems invincible based on this description, right? Wrong. He was actually disposed of very quickly by the boner biters elite squadrant.

    With his death came the eventual permanent ragging of Gold, stuff like this:

    This eventually led to his perm ban. May he rest in peace.

    Moving on from Gold, we met a various amount of rivals, mainly Mr B and Eliska, and the real Lemon members from Runescape, who eventually teamed up with Mr B and Eliska to fight us. The following images include the aftermath of what happened during our confrontations in all parts of the wilderness.
    Last edited by Alfonso; 07-06-2017 at 06:14 PM.

  2. Alfonso 07-06-2017 #2

    Part Three - Making Lemonade & Owning Mr B(ad)

    Unfortunately, those series of images constitute the biggest clan rivalry we had on this server. Hopefully, this thread incites more people to join up and fight us in single.
    Last edited by Alfonso; 07-06-2017 at 06:20 PM.

  3. Alfonso 07-06-2017 #3

    The rest of this thread will serve as a means of us sharing the rest of our PK gallery all over the wilderness.

    Last edited by Alfonso; 07-06-2017 at 06:20 PM.

  4. Alfonso 07-06-2017 #4

    I've got 99 Boners

    Last edited by Alfonso; 07-06-2017 at 06:35 PM.

  5. Alfonso 07-06-2017 #5

    And a twisted bow:

    Last edited by Alfonso; 07-06-2017 at 06:37 PM.

  6. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jun 2017
    bite my boner

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    THAT is what i call a loot-thread, god damn!

  8. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    boner biter and bowlcut bandit collaboration?

    bowlcut boner biter bandits?

  9. Offline
    Dec 2016

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jun 2017
    Holy cow, continue posting.

    Main: C M Punk
    Pure: Matt Hardy
    Iron Man: Jeff Hardy

Closed Thread
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