1. Combat System - What needs to happen  - 03-05-2018 #1

    Jun 2017
    Hey all,

    M N M said someone should make a list of what needs to be done to combat to help Palidino figure out what he should fix. In order to do this, we have to understand where we started. We had the ability to NONSTOP hit with magic (literally able to wear dragonhide and still catch tbs/30s with barrage constantly). Dragon claws smacked 3k xp's more than 50% of the time. Ags was nonstop high hits. Range was constant 30s. It was broken. We asked for change and Palidino listened and did what needed to be done, but he did a little bit too much. Here is what I've experienced after one day of pking in the wilderness (NHing tribrid) vs pkers/pvmers. Dr Lag, Zeik, and a few others can support this.

    I was wearing Max Magic (ancestral/arcane/eternals) and I own augury. I got in four different fights where the player had rune skirt, black dhide top, neit helm, rune kiteshield, and rune c'bow. I splashed in MAX MAGE and AUGURY on from 30 wild to 16-ish. I didn't mention he had range prayer on the entire run down. I fought someone at Ghorrock teleport, same exact outcome. I splashed every. single. time. It's too inconsistent. Palidino nerfed it, but WAY TOO MUCH.

    I went in welfare setup (dhide/mystics/climbing boots) and I own rigour. I got in a few fights with Zeik and the same exact outcome. I splashed every. single. time. Range hit bare 10-20s no more than a 30 maybe once the entire 5-10 minute fight. Dr Lag/Madman were watching. Zeik also agrees it's inconsistent as heck.

    During both of these experiences, I had dragon claws on me, while my friend Pestc0ntrol had armadyl godsword. No lie. Both in my max setup/welfare setup, my max claw spec (I can test on mod/admin or Palidino if he wants to see, I hit nonstop 120-600 xp drops on range/mage prayer. It's WAY too consistent. I was fighting a guy in armadyl (Aesxogre) at 44's and he had no prayer on. I'm in max hitting constant 0s vs him and he sat there and said 'just get it over with. hit??' I was using tent/defender and it took over 15 hits before he went from 70-ish hp to 0.


    Magic: Needs a buff. Not in damage. ACCURACY. Palidino if you are reading this, you need to BUFF MAGIC ACCURACY IN PVP or NERF MAGIC DEFENSE IN PVP. Do not do both. Do not do it by alot. SLIGHT buff in accuracy, or slight nerf in defense. One of the other, not both.

    Range: Needs a buff. Not in damage. In accuracy. Range needs a -tiny- buff. Not as much as magic, but a small buff. It's way too inconsistent. I get a stream of 5s-10s then 0s for a long time. Occosional 25-39 is hit but if I'm lucky.

    Melee: Need an accuracy buff, nothing else. Either raise the accuracy of melee weapons in the wild SLIGHTLY. or again, nerf melee defense in the wilderness SLIGHTLY.


    Pking is getting very boring now because I can't catch a freeze or any ko potential. I was in MAX MAGE and a guy in rune/black dhide top as his only magic defense tanked me from 35s Pond teleport to 10 wilderness. It is really losing its feel.

    BUG IN THE WILDERNESS THAT NEED A FIX: This Bug needs a fix ASAP. Say M4g3 and Zeik are fighting. Zeik tbs me and I run away. If I'm the ONE STEP within Zeik's MAGIC RANGE WITH BARRAGE and he freezes me, my character will continue running, it won't register as a freeze because it thinks he has ran too far away, thus releasing me from the freeze. It will register after the 2nd or 3rd freeze, but this gives the player SO MUCH advantange while running away because if I splash those next freezes, what should have originally been a freeze has given them a lot of free distance.

    EDIT:Fix tb, it seems to always land with high accuracy regardless of gear/opponents magic defense.

    This is merely my opinion, but it is what needs to happen in order to actually fix combat.

    TL;DR = Fix wilderness bug that let's players not be frozen when they are 1 step away from being out of barrage range. SLIGHT BUFF to Magic/Range/Melee ACCURACY, NOT DAMAGE. The key word being, SLIGHT. not major.
    Last edited by m4g3; 03-05-2018 at 09:03 PM.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    +1 Only thing i don't agree on is the mage acc buff because someone was able to tb me with litterly 0 Gear 0 staff and i was in max mage defence. Sharingan posted a video to of testing it after it happen to me and he got the same results he landed 2x on max mage def with nothing on. But everything else is correct in my eyes i don't know if there's a way around the mage thing but you shouldn't be able to land tb's with no gear on etc especially 1st try

  3. Offline
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by DR LAG View Post
    +1 Only thing i don't agree on is the mage acc buff because someone was able to tb me with litterly 0 Gear 0 staff and i was in max mage defence. Sharingan posted a video to of testing it after it happen to me and he got the same results he landed 2x on max mage def with nothing on. But everything else is correct in my eyes i don't know if there's a way around the mage thing but you shouldn't be able to land tb's with no gear on etc especially 1st try
    Editted that in.

  4. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2018
    everything is nerfed.. melee is all 0s in dh fights now unless you get lucky and hit a 45. Please return the accuracy, and just very lightly turn magic accuracy down..

    before everyhit never splashed. now melee and range and magic in wild are trash.

  5. Offline
    Super Donator
    Dec 2016
    +1 ty

  6. Offline
    Apr 2017
    combat was waay too accurate now even bosses tank the fuck out of u. pls pali fix dis shit

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Support! Especially during is really random.

  8. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Glad that there's people that want to bring this up. I can do fights later at FFA with any nher, so I can post full videos of how the combat system is right now. Could make video introduction to Palidino, about what needs to be changed.
    Last edited by Banned 42; 03-06-2018 at 05:41 AM.

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Feb 2018
    Is this a thread crying about RNG? You can hit any hit from 1 to your max hit if the hit chance isn't calculated to be a 0. I don't understand why you're crying about hitting a stream of 5 and 10s... that's just bad RNG.

    Same thing about this "KO potential" concept you keep crying about... anyone has KO potential you just need the right numbers to hit during RNG... nothing you can control.

  10. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Adult Ziek View Post
    Is this a thread crying about RNG? You can hit any hit from 1 to your max hit if the hit chance isn't calculated to be a 0. I don't understand why you're crying about hitting a stream of 5 and 10s... that's just bad RNG.

    Same thing about this "KO potential" concept you keep crying about... anyone has KO potential you just need the right numbers to hit during RNG... nothing you can control.
    Yeah, everyone is just on bad RNG all the time after the last update. Go shitpost somewhere else.

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