The following updates are now LIVE! Join us on Discord to see what's coming next.

This weeks changes
- The quest cape emote has been added.
- The quest cape (t) has been added to the Legends shop.
- Added a warning message for any items not withdrawn from a loadout.
- Relic: 50% more shards from the gauntlet
- Relic: every black knight kill counts as +2
- Auto degrime herbs if you don't want to spam click.
- Mahogany woodcutting has been added.
- Added a Yanille teleport.
- Cancelling a task from the custom interface will no longer close it.
- Added a teleport wizard to the Mage Arena bank.
- Sir Vyvin in the white knight castle can now tell you your black knight killcount.
- The emblem trader will now tell you how many coins/BM you'll receive for your trade in.
- Lucky impling items now count toward your collection log.
- Clue chest difficulty completions will now display in green.
- All imbued items can now be purchased from the creepy crawly rewards.
- Wilderness superior slayer monsters will now always drop a larrans key.
- Teleblock will now expire on tbers logout.
- Ultracompost can now be made using supercompost and volcanic ash.
- Fixed the Skotizo diary task.
- Fixed the inferno entrance.[

Tournament Changes
- Void ranged: rune kite->black d shield, snakeskin->ranger, acb->zcb
- No armour: helm->faceguard, +dragon claws
- Melee: helm->faceguard, glory->torture, dragon->avernic, dragon legs->obsidian, barrows->ferocious, dragon->primordial, +dragon claws
- Max melee: bandos->torva, +ancient godsword, +voidwaker
- Dharoks: +dragon claws, +ancient godsword, +voidwaker
- Berserker: +dragon claws, +dragon warhammer
- Hybrid: helm->faceguard, ancient staff->kodai, mystic->ancestral, blessed->arcane, dragon->primordial
- Brid: torags->torva, dragon->avernic, karils->armadyl, +dragon claws, +ancient godsword, +voidwaker
- NH: helm->faceguard, mystic->ancestral, blessed->arcane, dragon->primordial, armadyl->zaryte, dragon-avernic, karils->armadyl, +dragon claws, +ancient godsword, +voidwaker, +elder maul
- Void: rune kite->black d shield, snakeskin->ranger, armadyl->zartye